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Phillipa also might have degenerated into a mere soured cackling hanger-on; but they were not pariahs by caste, but Brahmins, and entitled to all due honour so long as they floated on top of the wave. Perhaps if near drowning no finger would have been outstretched to save; but there were plenty to pat them on the back as they disported themselves on the sound dry land.

The buzz of the ball-room soon caught up the ugly scandal, and tossed it wildly from lip to lip. "Mr. Jillingham caught cheating at cards!" Everyone said, of course, they had suspected it all along; now every one knew it as a fact, except those most nearly concerned. To them it came last. To Phillipa, whose heart it stabbed as with a knife, cut through and through; then to Mrs.

Yet the view was long held, and is still maintained by writers of knowledge and insight, that the Phillipa of 1366 was at that date Chaucer's wife. In or before that year he married, it was said, Philippa Roet, daughter of Sir Paon de Roet of Hainault, Guienne King of Arms, who came to England in Queen Philippa's retinue in 1328.

Nor was the constant whirl of gaieties without its charm for Phillipa; it deadened conscience, and consoled in some measure for the neglect and indifference she soon encountered at her husband's hands. But the most potent reason was that it fooled Mrs. Purling to the top of her bent.

Openly of course he continued on his best behaviour, but behind the scenes he permitted himself to grumble loudly at the old lady's meanness and miserly ways. "I cannot understand you, Gilbert. I cannot see what you do with all the money you get," said Phillipa reproachfully one day when they were alone, and Gilly was enlarging upon his favourite theme.

"Of course," replied Phillipa; but the pale face and that sad look in her weary eyes belied her words. It seemed as if she had shot her bolt at the target of life's happiness, and that the arrow had fallen very wide of the gold.

"Who is that tall girl with the bronzy gold hair? And isn't she a fine reader?" exclaimed Zaidee. They were in a little group of old friends. Louie Howe laughed. Phillipa made a funny face. "Well?" and flushing a little she glanced up, inquiringly. "The caretaker's daughter. We are democratic this year," announced May Gedney. "The caretaker " "A Mrs.

None but the rich, etc.," with sundry upturnings of the chin. "Well, I hope I'll be able to go abroad on a wedding tour. Otherwise I won't have him!" announced Phillipa with great solemnity at which they all laughed. "Young ladies do you know it is time to go out for exercise," said Miss Arran. "Oh, let us go over to Crawford House," cried Zay. "Why, you will hardly know it.

"By being cordial and helpful with each other and holding fast to the divine truths that shape character and will make you admirable women capable of filling the best and highest positions in life; and, remember, there is nothing more satisfactory in the world than true and generous friendship." Phillipa rescued Zay from the overwhelming kissing and hugs. "Oh, my dear, isn't it all wonderful?

She wound a veil around her head and they stole through the hall when it was deserted and went scuddering through the Park. It was a cloudy afternoon, not one to go out for pleasure, and then everybody had wanted to go down town. Mrs. Trenham lived in the corner house. There was a garden space between, then a high fence. Phillipa rang the bell. A rather unkempt, middle-aged woman answered it.