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Pettingill neglected the farm. He said that it might till itself he should manufacture some gorgeous fireworks, and exhibit them on the village green on the next 4th of July. He said the Eagle of Fame would flap his wings over their humble roof ere many months should pass away. "If he does," said old Mr.

We must push along the ball we've been talking of. And the yachting cruise that can't wait very much longer." "The ball first," she decreed. "I'll see to the cards at once, and in a day or two I'll have a list ready for your gracious approval. And what have you done?" "Pettingill has some great ideas for doing over Sherry's.

Then they laughed in a disagreeable manner, and some unfeeling lads threw dirt at our hero. "You don't understand pyrotechny!" the masses yelled again. "Don't I?" screamed Pettingill, wild with rage; "don't you think I do?" Then seizing several gigantic rockets he placed them over a box of powder, and touched the whole off. THIS rocket went up. It did, indeed. There was a terrific explosion.

Trustees 1st Ward Charles C. Rogers, Thomas Jones, Jr. 2d Ward Ansel Roberts, Henry K. Raynolds. 3d Ward Amos Townsend, Randall Crawford. 4th Ward David A Dangler, Simson Thorman. 5th Ward B. P. Bower, Joseph Sturges. 6th Ward John Huntington, George W. Calkins. 7th Ward E. S. Willard, Charles Pettingill. 8th Ward William H. Truscott, Joseph Randerson. 9th Ward John Martin, Fredrick W. Pelton. 10th Ward John J. Weideman, George Presley. 11th Ward Edward Russell, Stephen Buhrer.

Pettingill, there, sends a man over to help her, and Mrs. Crowley is as good as two any day." "Don't worry, Hiram. You'll come out on top yet" "If I do, 'twill be because you'll put me there, I reckon." As they were driving back 'Zekiel asked Quincy if he knew Mrs. Hawkins was going to sell out. "No, why. Getting too old?" "No, she's as spry as a cat, and she's seventy odd. That ain't the reason.

"By Jove, it's sensible of you to get married on your birthday, Monty. It saves time and expense to your friends." "Read it aloud," said "Subway" Smith. "Two to one it's from Nopper Harrison," cried Pettingill. Brewster's fingers trembled, he knew not why, as he opened the envelope.

Putnam died in this house, and Alice has such a vivid recollection of her last day on earth " "I understand," said Huldah, "but you must come and see us every day." "Where's Ezekiel?" asked Alice. "Getting in his last load of hay about sixty tons this year. We only had thirty a year ago." "Where's my namesake Quincy Adams Pettingill?" "He goes every day to see his grandpa and grandma.

"No, I told Florence, but thought Maude would appreciate the change now, if it took place, if she was ignorant of what influence had been brought to bear on her father." Aunt Ella continued the reading. "Harry and I have been to Fernborough. Alice's brother sent us word that Uncle Isaac Pettingill was dead and we went to the funeral. He had no complaint. He was tired out, so Mrs.

In this peaceful hamlet lived a young man named Pettingill. Reuben Pettingill. He was an agriculturist. A broad-shouldered, deep-chested agriculturist. He was contented to live in this peaceful hamlet. He said it was better than a noisy Othello. Thus do these simple children of nature joke in a first class manner. I write this romance in the French style. Yes: something that way.

Once again he lived over his life in the country town, and told about his friends and foes Obadiah Strout and Bob Wood who were enemies no longer, and honest, good-hearted 'Zeke Pettingill, and his sweet wife, little Huldah Mason. And Hiram who stammered so and Mandy who didn't.