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"I think, Jaap, it will be necessary for you to keep you eyes open, and by no means to fall into the hands of your friend Muss, as you call him, or he may serve you even worse than he served poor Pete. I hope, too, this will be warning to you, of the necessity of treating your prisoners kindly, should you ever make another." "I don't t'ink, Masser Corny, you consider pretty much, sah.

The jungle growth rose higher on either side till it shut out the sunshine, and once more the elephant-path wore the aspect of a deep, shadowy tunnel, while the air grew more moist and steamy, seeming stagnant to a degree. "All right, sir?" cried Peter, straining to look round. "Yes, yes, Pete. My fall shook me a bit, and seemed to bring back the old aching in my head. But don't mind me.

Henry hurried after them and reached the celery field just as the red face of the sun appeared. There had been little dew during the night and the tender transplants had scarcely lifted their heads. Indeed, the last acre set out the day before were flat. On the bank of the river, and near that suffering acre, were Hiram and Pete Dickerson.

Dawn was just breaking when the chief deputy, disgusted with what he termed their "luck," finally evolved a plan out of the many discussed by his companions. "We got the cayuse which will look good to the T-Bar-T boys. We ain't down here for our health and we been up against it from start to finish and so far as I care, this is the finish. Get it right afore we start. Young Pete is dead.

Will asked a few questions about crops, with such grace as he could show, and Ed, with keen eyes in his face, talked easily and stridently. "Dinner ready?" he asked of Agnes. "Where's Pete?" "He's asleep." "All right. Let 'im sleep. Well, let's go out an' set 'up. Come, Dad, sling away that Bible and come to grub. Mother, what the devul are you sniffling at? Say, now, look here.

Rex pushed back his chair suddenly, his brow clouded with a frown as it had been the afternoon before down on the log. "'Decently poor! What do you mean by that, Rex?" asked Eva. "Oh, to have the taste and wish for nice things and the privilege of going with nice people who own them, and yet not be able to have them yourself. I sometimes wish I was like black Pete.

"They couldn't rig up anything as big as that," said Jack decisively, "besides, there's another thing I didn't tell you because I thought I might have been mistaken, but I saw those same things this afternoon." "What?" went up in a perfect roar of incredulity. "Say, is this some kind of a josh?" asked Coyote Pete suspiciously.

In his desire to secure the obedience of his dog-team, Tom had fastened them securely, by long cords, to his belt; Pete had already managed to wind his tether tightly around Tom's legs, and Grace incited Turk to rebellion, so that he, too, began to gambol about in his elephantine way, and Tom was soon tangled in another net.

Also, Silent Pete opened his lips for once and hallooed to the man ahead: "Let 'em out, you fool! Give 'em their heads, I say!" Then he relapsed into his normal condition, attending strictly to his own business and making himself deaf to the timid shrieks of Miss Milliken, from the rear seat.

Pete had a lot o' tales, but he made a poor cap'n; no head." "Look here," put in "William with desperate calm," I don't want to know about Peter Hancock." "There's not much to know if you did. He made a very poor cap'n, though it don't become one to say so, now he's gone. An affectionate man, though, for all his short-comin's.