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But no matter how much they sought they did not find him. Caesar, the dog, understood very well that the farmer-folk were looking for Per Ola, but he did nothing to lead them on the right track; instead, he lay still as though the matter didn't concern him. Later in the day, Per Ola's footprints were discovered down by the boat-landing.

Everything, even Nature herself and the angry demons of Darkhat Ola, had helped us: but we were not gay, because again before us lay the dread uncertainty that threatened us with new and possibly destructive dangers. Ulan Taiga with Darkhat Ola lay behind us. We went forward very rapidly because the Mongol plains began here, free from the impediments of mountains.

We saw a small vessel in the harbour, which we subsequently learned was from the Basque provinces, come for a cargo of cider or sagadua, the beverage so dearly loved by the Basques. As we passed along the narrow street, Antonio was hailed with an "Ola" from a species of shop in which three men, apparently shoemakers, were seated.

Jarro came back in a little while, and carried on his back a tiny thing, who was much smaller than Per Ola himself. If he hadn't been able to talk and move, the boy would have believed that it was a doll. Instantly, the little one ordered Per Ola to pick up a long, slender pole that lay in the bottom of the scow, and try to pole it toward one of the reed-islands.

"A quadrille and a galop; but no more so so! so so!" repeated Cousin Ola. He stood as though rooted to the spot. At last he became aware that he was alone. He hastily seized a hat, slunk out by the back way, sneaked through the garden, and clambered with great difficulty over the garden fence, not far from the gate which stood ajar.

"It's pleasant to meet an Englishman in these Dutchman-infested islands, especially when he has a good yarn to spin." "The yarn isn't a pleasant one, captain," said the trader. "It's a d d unpleasant one, but it's true, sir." He lit a cigar and then resumed: "Well, after six of these flash young fellows were shot down, the other four dropped their rifles and cried out, Fia ola! Fia ola!

The girl herself thinks he's alive, but I say that he must be dead." The man with the tired eyes turned to Ola. "What is the girl's name, Ola?" he asked. The mountaineer thought awhile, then said: "I can't remember it. I must ask her." "Ask her! Is she already here?" "She's down at the camp." "What, Ola! Have you taken her in before knowing her father's wishes?" "What do I care for her father!

They proceeded but were informed by some Soyot hunters that this part of the Tannu Ola was occupied by the Partisans from the village of Vladimirovka. Consequently they were forced to return. We inquired from them the whereabouts of these outposts and how many Partisans were holding the mountain pass over into Mongolia.

But at that the Duke turned from him with a shrug of angry impatience, and clapping his hands together: "Ola! Martino!" he called. Instantly the door opened, and the Swiss appeared. "Bring in your men and your rope." The captain turned on his heel, and simultaneously the fool cast himself at Gian Maria's feet. "Mercy, your Highness!" he wailed. "Do not have me hanged. I am "

Ola Klemmerud chuckled, and the next time he passed Bonnyboy, pinched his ear. "If you do that again I sha'n't like you," cried Bonnyboy. The innocence of that remark made the people laugh, and the bully, seeing that their sympathy was on his side, was encouraged to continue his teasing.