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"Limuel, why will you always humiliate me?" his wife asked, placing a chair for him. "Humiliate you! Bless your life, I wouldn't humiliate you. The only trouble is that you are tryin' to make me fit a garment you've got, ruther than to make the garment fit me. I ain't doin' no harm, Susan, and it's my way, and you can't very well knock the spots off'en a leopard nur skin an Etheopian.

His face was pale, his teeth set, and his eyes shone with excitement. He called out in a strange, forced voice to his men and boys on the roof of the cars: "Here, you fellers git down off'en thar and form a line." The fellows did so, in a slow, constrained, frightened ways and huddled together, in the most unsoldierly manner.

One clap was so tremenjous it raised me plum off'en the pallet, and jarred me to my backbone, as if a cannon had gone off close by." "Now, Bedney, state carefully all the circumstances under which you found your master the next morning; and remember you are on your oath, to speak the truth, and all the truth."

This here Conkey Chickweed, miss, kept a public-house over Battlebridge way, and he had a cellar, where a good many young lords went to see cock-fighting, and badger-drawing, and that; and a wery intellectual manner the sports was conducted in, for I've seen 'em off'en.

Be keerful not to show the tip of your head, an' don't knock nothin' off'en the bank into the water. Watch fer trout. Look everywheres, an' drop in a bug now and then. I'll do the same fer the other stream. Then we'll come back here an' talk over what the fish has to say about the Injuns." Joe walked down stream a few paces, and, dropping on his knees, crawled carefully to the edge of the bank.

She didn't b'long ter my ol' moster: she b'longed ter Squire Minor. I tuck a wife off'en our plantation. She's goin' ter ax her moster ter sell her an' the childun to Mos' Hawton, and I's waitin' ter fin' out ef he'll sell 'um. I ain't goin' ter cou't no other gal tell I fin's out." "Yer hopes he'll sell her, don't yer?" Little Lizay asked with an anxious heart.

He could not be angry, and he did not know what to say. The hunter went on: "You needn't say so, because I know it. And I know she loves you and that's why I want you to look out fer Miller." "My God! man, you're crazy," said Alfred, laughing scornfully. "She cares nothing for me." "That's your great failin', young feller. You fly off'en the handle too easy. And so does Betty.

His face was pale, his teeth set, and his eyes shone with excitement. He called out in a strange, forced voice to his men and boys on the roof of the cars: "Here, you fellers git down off'en thar and form a line." The fellows did so, in a slow, constrained, frightened ways and huddled together, in the most unsoldierly manner.

"Now didn't Emma Satterwhite find a good chanct when Todd Crabtree married her and took her away after all that young Tucker Alloway doings? It were a kind of premium for flightiness, but I for one was glad to get her gone off'en Rose Mary's hands. I couldn't a-bear to see her tending hand and foot a woman she were jilted for."