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And, thirdly, weak power of self-command; for this power has not been strengthened through long-continued, perhaps inherited, habit, instruction and religion. This term is used in an able article in the 'Westminster Review, Oct. 1869, p. 498. It is, however, more correct to speak of the latter principle as the standard, and not as the motive of conduct. Mr.

See London and the Commune in Engl. Hist. Rev., Oct. 1904. The death of Richard raised a question of succession new in the history of England since the Norman Conquest.

Met and overtook about sixty travelers, many on foot Scotch, Irish, and Yankees. Oats, 25 cents; butter, 12-1/2 cents; brandy, 50 cents a half-pint; hay, $8 a ton. Thursday, Oct. 22. Left Somerset at 7 o'clock a. m. Dull, drizzly weather. Deep roads. Horse lame in consequence of bad shoeing in Pittsburg. Heart a little heavy. Thought of home.

Oct. 12.-Charley says he did not know that I was subject to a cough, and that he hopes I am not consumptive, because his father and mother died of consumption, and it makes him nervous to hear people cough. I nearly strangled myself all the evening trying not to annoy him with mine. Nov.2. I really think I am sick and going to die. Last night I raised a little blood.

Judge Malone, with a brush improvised from Blake's stiff hair, and with white lead intended for canoe repairs, lettered upon the boulder this inscription: Leonidas Hubbard, Jr., Intrepid Explorer And Practical Christian Died Here Oct. 18, 1903. "Whither I go ye know, and the way ye know." John XIV. 4.

Oct. 25.—It rained all night and all day, with some gusts of wind; during which time the ship broke in pieces, the wind blowing a little harder than before, and was no more to be seen, except the wreck of her, and that only at low water. I spent this day in covering and securing the goods which I had saved, that the rain might not spoil them.

Brown had, either by accident, or influenced by an unconscious feeling of melancholy, fallen into the habit of almost constantly whistling and humming the soldier's death march, which had such a singularly depressing effect on my feelings, that I was frequently constrained to request him to change his tune. Oct. 17.

Geraldine. . . . . " Oct. 25th, 1841. Edward Clement . . . " Nov. 23d, 1842. Fulbert James . . . " Jan. 9th, 1844. Lancelot Oswald. . . " May 16th, 1846. Robina Elizabeth . . " Feb. 20th, 1848. Angela Margaret. . . " Sept.29th, 1851. Bernard . . . . . " Dec. 1st, 1852. 'Parson's lass 'ant nowt, an' she weant 'a nowt when 'e's dead; Mun be a guvness, lad, or summut, an' addle her bread. TENNYSON.

The difference is not great, but in the length of a bridge span it is the last foot that counts, as in an international yacht race to be beaten by one minute is to fail to capture the cup. Washington, D.C., Oct. 16, 1885.

Washington Post, Oct. 9: James Parker, the six-foot Georgia Negro, who knocked down the assassin of President McKinley on the fatal day in the Temple of Music, after the two shots were fired, gave a talk to an audience in the Metropolitan A. M. E. Church last night. He was introduced by Hon. George H. White.