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The art of arranging words in that measure, so that the lines may flow smoothly, that the accents may fall correctly, that the rhymes may strike the ear strongly, and that there may be a pause at the end of every distich, is an art as mechanical as that of mending a kettle or shoeing a horse, and may be learned by any human being who has sense enough to learn anything.

When you approach him for the first time, let it be without those implements you are to use in his shoeing. Speak to him gently, then take up his foot. If he refuse to let you do this, let the person having him in charge do it. A young animal will allow this with a person he is accustomed to, when he will repel a stranger.

"Never fear, Pearl, he is a stranger here, and there's little chance of your ever setting your eyes on his ugly, savage face again. Keep the money, dear; I won't have it after all the airs he put on. If, instead of shoeing his wild brute, I had knocked the fellow down for his insolence in cursing me, it would have served him right.

It did not re-enter the valley, but passed over a sloping country to the upper plain, and then ran nearly parallel with the bluffs. "Master!" said Antonio, riding up by the side of Carlos, "these are not the tracks of Indian horses, unless they have stolen them. Two of them are troop horses. I know the berradura well. They are officers' horses, too I can tell that from the shoeing."

When they got into a dissertation on shoeing, with the comparative merits of "threes" and "sections" at drill, the young man refreshed himself liberally with champagne, and turned to more congenial discourse. Of this there seemed no lack. The winner of the St. Leger was as confidently predicted as if the race were already in his owner's pocket.

In some cases median neurectomy is advisable. This is recommended by Breton as being productive of good results even where contraction of tendons exists and tenotomy is done. By shoeing with high heel-calks considerable strain is taken from the inflamed tendons because of the changed position of the foot which alters the distribution of weight on different parts of the leg.

I was going on to order the sentence to be carried out, when the innkeeper flung himself again upon his knees, and cried out loudly as much to my astonishment as to the regret of the bystanders, who were bent on seeing so strange a shoeing feat "One word, my lord; I can give you no joke, but I can do a service, an eminent service to the king. I can disclose a conspiracy!"

Animals that have "coffin-joint" lameness should be allowed to run in pasture as much as possible, because natural conditions help to keep down the inflammation and soreness and promote a more healthy condition of the foot. In shoeing the horse it is best to shorten the toe and raise the heel. It is advisable in the more favorable cases to cut the sensory nerves of the foot.

I can shoe a horse, but I never had the chance of riding one." "Teach me to shoe Miss Brown, and I will teach you to ride her. How is your hand?" "Quite well, thank you." "I would rather learn to read, though the right way, I mean the way that makes one book talk to another." "That would be better than shoeing Miss Brown; but I will teach you both, if you care to learn." "Thank you indeed!

His pursuers for they assumed that character when they saw this became anxious to intercept him; and thinking that the greater force they had the better, they called out aloud as they passed a smithy, where a man was shoeing a horse, "Jack Burdon, here is another vampyre!" "The deuce there is!" said the person who was addressed. "I'll soon settle him.