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Medecins, Villageois, Filles d'Auberge, Garcons d'Ecurie, &c. &c. La scene se passe sur le pont d'Andert, entre Macon et Belley. Il est minuit. La pluie tombe: les tonnerres grondent. Le ciel est convert de nuages, et sillonne d'eclairs.

The tune was flowing and sweet; and as our boat drifted on, the words of the singer became audible. "O miroir ondoyant! Je rève en te voyant Harmonie et lumière, O ma rivière, O ma belle rivière! "On voit se réfléchir Dans ses eaux les nuages; Elle semble dormir Entre les pâturages paissent les grands boeufs Et les grasses genisses. Au pâtres amoureux Que ses bords sont propices!"

A composition like "Nuages," the first of the three nocturnes for orchestra, while taking but five minutes in performance, outweighs any number of compositions that last an hour. "L'Après-midi d'un faune" is inspired and new, marvelously, at every measure.

Bradford and I succeeded in moving them, and we three girls retired to change our pretty dresses for plain ones, and get shawls and nuages, for our warm week had suddenly passed away, and it was quite cold out. Some of the gentlemen remarked that very few young ladies would have the courage to change pretty evening dresses for calico, after appearing to such advantage.

In one of Feuillet's novels there occurs a phrase which sums up in a few expressive words a very common spiritual misadventure: the hero says, "J'avais vu disparaître parmi les nuages la tête de ce bon vieillard qu'on appelle Dieu" "I had seen the head of that good old man called God disappear amongst the clouds."

He quoted Prout, he quoted Vincent d'Indy; he minutely compared passages in Elgar's second symphony with passages in Tchaikovsky's fifth symphony; he dissected the delicate orchestral effects in Debussy's Nuages and Fête Nocturne, compared the modern French methods in orchestration with Richard Strauss's gigantic, and sometimes monstrous combinations.

In one of them he says: "Ma tante Marie est bien bonne, mais nous ne parlons jamais de choses serieuses toujours des riens. Comme la vie est etrange! a quoi bon aller loin pour voir ses amis quand ils vous disent simplement qu'il fait froid!... ma tante Susan est assez gracieuse, mais j'ai vu des nuages.

It is not all light in that soul; but the light that is there does not affect us less because it shines from afar, "Dans un écartement de nuages, qui laisse Voir au-dessus des mers la céleste allégresse...." And so Franck seems to me to differ from M. d'Indy in that he has not the latter's urgent desire for clearness. Clearness is the distinguishing quality of M. d'Indy's mind.

"Oberbruck, ou nous avions été la précédente fois, se trouva sur notre route, et nous y passames aussi la nuit, dans l'espérance de pouvoir monter le lendemain sur le Brocken; mais il fut encore enveloppé de nuages; ainsi nous continuâmes

The next step is usually that, having seen this visibly outlined Deity disappear parmi les nuages, he passes into absolute unbelief; for somehow an impersonal "Power," while it may possibly inspire awe, cannot move us to worship, cannot present to us a moral imperative, cannot, above all, either claim our love or give us its affection.