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"I'll pay you for that!" exclaimed the lad, as his mother raised her head from his lap. Bounding to his feet, he darted after Linna, but she was so nimble, and dodged back and forth and from right to left so fast, that it took much effort to run her down.

The parson's nimble enough, but he hasn't got much of a leg: it's a bit too thick down'ard, and his knees might be a bit nearer wi'out damage; but he might do worse, he might do worse. Though he hasn't that grand way o' waving his hand as the Squire has." "Talk o' nimbleness, look at Mrs. Osgood," said Ben Winthrop, who was holding his son Aaron between his knees.

"When she sees how active it is, I think she will call it Nimble." "Oh yes; that would be a capital name. Do let us call it Nimble," he exclaimed. "You and Ellen shall choose its name, and I am sure that John will agree to whatever you decide," I replied.

Yea, and I see all lovers the swarthy-coloured mole, Under the ebon pupil, do honour and renown. Why, then, do censors blame me for loving one who's all A mole? May Allah rid me of every railing clown! My form is beautiful and my shape slender; kings desire my colour and all love it, rich and poor. I am pleasant, nimble, handsome, elegant, soft of body and great of price.

First we'll come to the monkeys, and the cocoanut trees." "Hones' Massa Tom?" "Surely." And though it was pretty far south for the nimble simians, the next day they did come upon a drove of them skipping about in the tall palm trees. "There they are, Rad! There they are!" cried Ned, as the chattering of the monkeys filled the forest. "By golly! So dey be! Heah's where I get some cocoanuts!"

"I will take the matter into consideration," said General Yozarro, whose brain was not nimble enough to decide the simplest question off-hand. "At present, I do not demand the death of Captain Guzman, but I thank you for your words, General, which is only one of the many proofs I have received of your disinterested friendship."

"Just the four of us, and a couple of ponies to carry the traps." And so it was decided. The dawn of the next day saw them afoot and leaving the rest-house. Their baggage was strapped on a couple of Burmese ponies, strong, shapely little beasts, not more than twelve hands high, hardy as wild boars, nimble as cats. Me Dain marched ahead with the ponies, and the three comrades walked behind.

The dark mystery with which Flora now enshrouded herself might have stopped other fingers than the nimble fingers that worked near her. They worked on without pause, and the busy head bent over them watching the stitches.

Gravely arranging his embroidery, this extraordinary being began to work with the patient and nimble dexterity of an accomplished needle-woman. "Now," said Miserrimus Dexter, "if you are ready, I am. You talk I work. Please begin." I obeyed him, and began. WITH such a man as Miserrimus Dexter, and with such a purpose as I had in view, no half-confidences were possible.

When they fall from the maternal perambulator, they briskly pick themselves up, briskly scramble up a leg and make their way to the top. It is a splendidly nimble and spirited performance. Besides, once seated, they have to keep a firm balance in the mass; they have to stretch and stiffen their little limbs in order to hang on to their neighbours.