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De news'll come all in good time. An' news allers comes in a heap suddently, so to speak. It neber comes slow. Now, look yar. I wants you to make me a solum promise." "What is that?" asked Hester, smiling in spite of herself at the intensity of her dark friend's look and manner. "It am dis. Dat you will neber look surprised, nor speak surprised, no matter howeber much you may feel surprised."

When Mary Isabel saw the handwriting on the envelope she trembled and turned as deadly pale as if she had seen a ghost: "Here's a letter for you," said Warren, grinning. "It's been a long time on the way nigh fifteen years. Guess the news'll be rather stale. We found it behind the old partition when we tore it down today." "It is my brother Tom's writing," said Mary Isabel faintly.

Further developments of this strange affair will be awaited with interest." "I wish," commented the Superintendent grimly, "that my men could keep a secret as well as their man can sniff one out." But Mr. Kilshaw was too excited to listen. "By Jove," he cried, "the news'll be at the House by now! Come along, man, come along!"

He was aware of his superiority. He went on quietly: "If the old man gets chattering at the office, the Orgreaves will know, and the next minute the news'll be in the Five Towns. I can't possibly let my people hear from anybody else of my engagement before they hear from me. However, if it comes to the point, we'll tell everybody. Why not?" "Oh, but dearest! It was so nice it being a secret.

An' if we get there in daylight some Greaser will see the girl before Beldin' can hide her. It'll get talked about. The news'll travel to Casita like sage balls before the wind." "Shore we won't ride into Rio Forlorn in the daytime. Let's slip the packs, Jim. We can hid them off in the cactus an' come back after them. With the young man ridin' we "

Ellery, if you think you are a man, a sensible man, who won't go to pieces like a ten-year-old youngster, I'll I'll let you sit here for a while." "Doctor?" "You sit still. No, I'm not going to tell you anything. You sit where you are and maybe the news'll come to you. If you move it won't. Going to obey orders? Good! I'll see you by and by, Mr. Ellery." He walked out of the room.

He wants to get into this fight so bad that he'll agree to almost anything. His assistants we can square. "So much for the official end of it. But what about the run of the medical profession? If they go around diagnosing typhus, the news'll spread almost as fast as through the papers. So here's how we'll fix them.

The news'll send stocks up a-whooping, if it gets to New York!" I Twice Explain the Condition of the Trescott Estate. Nothing had remained unchanged in Lattimore, and our old offices in the First National Bank edifice had long since been vacated by us. The very building had been demolished, and another and many-storied structure stood in its place.

"If you think all this'll be done in hole-and-corner fashion, superintendent," he said, "you're not the wise man I take you for. Lord bless you, man, the news'll be all over the country within forty-eight hours! If this Gilverthwaite has folk of his own, they'll be here fast as crows hurry to a new-sown field!

"I've got something to tell you, Aunt Keziah," he said weakly. "Some news for you and and " "Cat's foot!" snapped Keziah briskly, "don't start in tellin' me news now. I've got my hands full as 'tis. News'll keep and you won't, if you talk another minute." "But this is important." "So are you, though you may not think so. If you don't believe it ask Grace." "Well," the minister sighed.