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Ah! je respire enfin, et ma joie est extrême Que le traître une fois se soit trahi lui-même. Libre des soins cruels j'allais m'engager, Ma tranquille fureur n'a plus qu'

Il n'a guère de la superstition de son siècle que la dévotion pour les pélerinages et les reliques; encore annonce-t-il souvent peu de foi sur l'authenticité des reliques qu'on lui montre.

"Why, is there any harm in her being in love with Karenin?" "But is it true Madame Karenina's here?" "Well, not here in the palace, but in Petersburg. I met her yesterday with Alexey Vronsky, bras dessous, bras dessous, in the Morsky." "C'est un homme qui n'a pas..." the gentleman of the bedchamber was beginning, but he stopped to make room, bowing, for a member of the Imperial family to pass.

With M. de Stael and Madame de Broglie Miss Edgeworth was particularly happy. It had been reported that Madame de Stael had said of Maria's writings "que Miss Edgeworth etait digne de l'enthousiasme, mais qu'elle s'est perdue dans la triste utilite." "Ma mere n'a jamais dit ca," Madame de Broglie indignantly declared, "elle etait incapable!"

Tell me, do I look like Mrs. Penner? Do I look like a naughty woman! Swear I don't! Give me your word of honour, my honourable friend, that I'm not like Mrs. Buzgago. That's the way she stands, with her hands clasped at the back of her head. D'you like that? He. Don't be affected. She. I'm not. I'm Mrs. Buzgago. Listen! Pendant une anne' toute entiere Le regiment n'a pas r'paru.

Darwin lays such great stress, he had no conception; indeed, he doubts whether there really are such things as extinct species, unless they be such large animals as may have met their death at the hands of man; and so little does he dream of there being any other destructive causes at work, that, in discussing the possible existence of fossil shells, he asks, "Pourquoi d'ailleurs seroient-ils perdues des que l'homme n'a pu operer leur destruction?"

Thermometer at five P.M. 17 degrees centigrade. In 1840, the Tenth Chasseurs-a-Pied were commanded by Patrice de MacMahon, then a major and afterwards Marshal of France and Duc de Magenta, and whose name is remembered by the corps in their march song: "L' dixiem' batallion, Commandant Mac-Mahon, N'a pas peur du canon, Nom de nom!" The captured flag is of magenta colored silk, with a white St.

Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, Mon oncle Aumale et moi nous vous remercions des paquets que vous nous avez envoyes ce matin; mon oncle me charge de vous dire qu'il n'a pu vous ecrire aujourd'hui, etant fort occupe des soins a donner a la Duchesse d'Aumale, qui est toujours dans un etat assez grave, mais que vous lui ferez grand plaisir si vous voulez venir passer au Woodnorton la semaine du 22 au 29 novembre; il y aura quelques chasses a tir.

He said it was utterly absurd and illogical, and though he ought to know it, as he had an English wife, he felt he never could learn it. "Apropos of to-day's weather, you say, 'It never rains but it pours' au fond qu'est-ce que cela veut dire? 'Il ne pleut jamais, mais il pleut a verse'; cela n'a pas le sens commun you might as well say, 'It never pours but it rains."

Existence without these luxuries would be very much like life in Madrid. Yet it is not so dismal as it might seem. The Grande Duchesse of Gerolstein, the cheeriest moralist who ever occupied a throne, announces just before the curtain falls, "Quand on n'a pas ce qu'on aime, il faut aimer ce qu'on a." But how much easier it is to love what you have when you never imagined anything better!