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I say, old lady, better join one of them pay fifty cents, and blow the men all into political rags. Musn't take what I say amiss; but you looks as if you could do some blowing: the General standing much in need of that article, why not volunteer?

The fact is, Squire, if you want to see women, you musn't go to a house in the country, nor to mere good company in town for it, tho' there be first chop articles in both; but you must go among the big bugs the top-lofty nobility, in London; for since the days of old marm Eve, down to this instant present time, I don't think there ever was or ever will be such splendiferous galls as is there.

You, I say, musn't press me. Through my whole life I have never lost my own good opinion; but if I did what you want me now to do, I couldn't respect myself I would feel lowered in my own mind. In short, I'd feel unhappy, an' that I was too mane to be worthy of your sister. Once for all, then, I cannot comply in this business with your wish an' hers."

How thoughtful o' the lad! Just like 'im, as I said it war!" "We bess swim for de cask an' take 'im in tow," suggested the sea-cook; "no harm hab 'im 'longside too. If de wind 'pring up, de ole chess be no use much. De cask de berry ting den." "You're right, Snowy! we musn't leave the cask behind us. If the kit have served us a good turn, the other 'ud be safer in a rough sea.

I almost wished myself home again; but Sylvia, between her paroxyms of laughter, told me "not to cry, and they would soon make me look as good as new any how, missus musn't see me in such a pickle." They fell to scraping and scouring with the greatest zeal, and then placed me before the kitchen fire to dry.

"I I'll get him down!" cried Bunny, who, as had Sue, had, some time before, made friends with the old sailor's queer pet. "How can you get him down?" Sue wanted to know. "I I can stand on a chair and reach up to him," went on the small, blue-eyed boy, looking around for one to step on. "No, no!" exclaimed Miss Winkler, as she heard what Bunny said. "You musn't go near him, Bunny.

"I'm not Miss Pert," said the little soft round ball of a girl from the chair. "I'm Sophy Burton. Oh, you musn't tittle." Harry found himself quite at home in ten minutes; and, before Mr. Burton had returned, had been taken upstairs into the nursery to see Theodore Burton, Junior, in his cradle, Theodore Burton, Junior, being as yet only some few months old. "Now you've seen us all," said Mrs.

"Who are you talking about?" cried Tunis, in his alarm almost shaking the old man. "I'm telling you the girl you brought down here, thinking she was Ida May Bostwick, turned out to be somebody else. I don't know who. Anyway, she ain't no relation of Prudence or me. I ain't blaming you none, boy; she told us we musn't blame you, for you didn't know the truth about her, either."

"You musn't get so tired, Thaddeus dear," said the little woman, smoothing his forehead soothingly with her hand. "You seem unusually tired to-night." "I am," said Thaddeus, shortly. "The debate wore me out." "Did you debate? I thought you said you wouldn't." "Well, I did. Everybody said I was afraid to meet Captain Haskins on the platform, so we had it out to-night over in the Tenth Ward.

"Well," said I, "so far as salary goes I am prepared to vote for an increase to $1,500 and a parsonage. I don't live on less than twice that." Mr. Hardcap struck his hands down resolutely into his pockets and groaned audibly. "I am afraid we can't get it, Mr. Laicus," said Mr. Wheaton. "I believe a minister ought to have it, but I don't see where its coming from. We musn't burden the parish."