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The assistant was on the step by this time and moving rapidly. "Nothing at all. No consequence. Good morning." He almost ran down the hill and crossed the creek at the wading place. As he splashed through, the voice of the housekeeper reached his ears. "Cold mud's the best thing," she screamed. "Put it on thick. It takes out the smart. Good and thick, mind!"

Where the trail led into a marshy crossing of the big, irrigating ditch that brought the stream from far up the gorge to water meadow and orchard, Blue halted and cast a look of disapproval back at his rider. Billy Louise stopped singing and laughed at him. "I guess you can go where a cow can go, you silly thing. Mud's a heap easier than lava rock, if you only knew it, Blue. Get along with you."

"But I'll go with you," she cried. "Why use adversatives in the same breath with 'ride'? The mud's nothing. What won't rub off can stay on. How soon shall I be ready?" "That's a good live girl. In half an hour." When they were a mile or two away Madge asked, as if with sudden compunction, "Graydon, are you sure you were disengaged?" He laughed outright.

The mud's no respecter h'of an H'english gentleman nor h'an American millionaire, don'cher know?" and the pompous Mr. Devonshire handed his hand-grip to Job, while he poked out his shoes for the gray-haired lackey to wipe, with an "'Ere, you, clean these feet, bloomin' quick!" Job and Tony obeyed, but a significant look passed between them.

"Mud's cheap, an' all the diff'runce in holdin' is, ef I nicked the side o' yer haid it'd hurt ye 'bout the same as ef what I nicked the center o' hit. Ain't that so? We'd orto practice inderstry an' 'conomy, Jim. Like my mother said, 'Penny saved is er penny yearned. 'Little drops o' water, little gains o' sand, says she, 'a-makes the mighty o-o-ocean, an the plea-ea-sant land."

The boys ran back to the sled, and the colored men ran out to the road, and everybody talked and nobody seemed to say anything of use. At last Dick Ford spoke up: "I tell ye what, Mah'sr Harry! I say, just let's go 'long," said he. "But how are you going to do it?" said Harry. "There's no snow." "I know that; but de mud's jist as slippery as grease. That thar team kin pull it, easy 'nuff!"

"The mud's all off anyhow," said her brother. "Falling in the river washed you clean." "But it got my dress all wet. I don't care, it's an old one." "That's good," said her brother. "Now we'll go home. Maybe you will be all dry when we get there," he added hopefully, "and your dress won't show any wet at all." "But I'll have to tell mother I fell in." "Oh, of course!"

Lynch about that one day when I had the fever. She's a nice lady; she's seen a lot of us boys: That mud's not right, you know." And again his unwounded arm made that restless movement; while the gramophone struck up: "The boys in brown." The movement of the arm affected Pierson horribly; he rose and, touching the bandaged shoulder, said: "Good-bye; I hope you'll soon be quite recovered."

"That's awkward; but they're trifles. When the mud's up to your neck, you needn't trouble yourself because you've lost your pattens. You want a night's rest, my dear." "Ay, I do; and don't you worrit, Swan, over Matthew being so ugly with you." "Certainly not," said Swan. "He's turned more civil too. Said he to me this morning, 'Misfortunes in this life is what we all hev to expect.

'It is a bit, Denny said, 'but the mud's just as cool as the water, and so soft, it squeezes between your toes quite different to boots. And so he splashed about, and kept asking Oswald to come along in. But some unseen influence prevented Oswald doing this; or it may have been because both his bootlaces were in hard knots.