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"I ain't no school-teacher," said Tom, "an' I ain't learned no fancy ways of talkin'!" "I don't expect you to tell me mor'n you know," said the parent, "but if you've got the same flesh an' blood as me, you'll stand by me when I'm bothered. The puppies of a dog would do that much for their parent in trouble."

We hadn't much mor'n got the thump of their arrival out of our ears, when who comes roaring into town but the Bengal Tiger gang, and they had four months' wages. Owner of the mine got on a bender and paid everybody off by mistake. You can hardly imagine how this livened up things. There ain't nobody less likely to play lame-duck than me, but there was no dodging the hospitality.

"Whut's yer name?" "Steven Knox; I am a soldier. Rene must have told you about me." "No, sah; she never done tol' me nuthin'. Ah didn't much mor'n see her enyhow, fur as thet goes." "Not see her! Then she is not confined there with you?" "Wiv me? Dar ain't nobody confined yer wiv me. Ah just ain't set eyes on nobody since Ah done got on board, 'cept de cook.

"La now, Chunk," she replied, coming back, "ef I wuz lookin' fer a fool I des stay right yere. Ef you git a pa'r ob steps en look in my face you'd see I'se bettah fren' ter you ner you ter me. You stay yere en I brings you w'at you tink a heap on mor'n me," and now she darted away with intentions satisfactory to her strategic admirer.

'Wait till the Ditch is done, he used to say. 'Wait till she begins to boom, and then you just stand round. Mor'n that, he got all the boys to put in their last cent for they loved Ned, and love him now, like ez ef he wos a woman." "That's so," said Clinch and Rawlins simultaneously, "and he's worth it." "Well," continued Zenobia, "the Ditch didn't boom ez soon ez they kalkilated.

He said 'twasn't the clothes, 'twas the flesh and blood he wanted, and 'twasn't no use to argufy about it; a man that hadn't got any children wasn't mor'n half a man.

Ain't six inch uv blubber anywhere 'bout his long ugly carkiss; en dat, dirty lill' rag 'er whalebone he got in his mouf, 'taint worf fifty cents. En mor'n dat, we pick up, a dead one when I uz in de ole RAINBOW done choke hisself, I spec, en we cut him in. He stink fit ter pison de debbil, en, after all, we get eighteen bar'l ob dirty oil out ob him.

He said quickly, to hide his discomfiture, "I'll ketch him, any way; he's nothin' mor'n a ki yi." "Ye can't, tho," said Susy, shaking her sun-bonnet. "He's faster nor a hoss!" Nevertheless, Clarence ran towards him, followed by Susy.

"A cool hundred, likely." "Go on!" "Sure you would. Them red stones are rubies and they cost like the dickens. I ain't sure you wouldn't have to pay mor'n a hundred for that ring." "Humph! I see myself doin' it!" "So do I!" "Well, you needn't rub it in. Anyhow, even if I had the price, I'd rather spend it on a Ford." "What's the matter with havin' 'em both?

"I'll make some cream biscuits like Aunt Faith's. And I'll go out into the garden and find Luther. If he can't carry us through the Reformation, somehow, he doesn't deserve his name." Luther was found thought Jerry Blanchard wouldn't "value lettin' him have his old horse and shay for an hour." And he wouldn't "be mor'n that goin'." He could "fetch her, easy enough, if that was all."