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"Well, my dear," replied Mrs Mooney, with a deprecatory smile, "that ain't an uncommon state o' things, an' you've no call to be 'ard on a poor widdy like yourself takin' a little consolation now an' then when she can get it. I just thought I'd like to comfort " "I don't want no comfort," cried Mrs Lockley in a sharp tone. "Leave me. Go away!"

"Well, then," said the major, in the gravest tone, and he was naturally grave, "you shall have your way, but remember to call out loud, for the first sentry is a little deaf, and a very passionate, ill tempered fellow to boot." "Never fear," said Father Mooney, laughing; "I'll go bail he'll hear me."

It encouraged me to discover them so responsive; but Albrecht, Lane, and Mooney merely laughed and winked at each other, and thus hurt me cruelly, although I had little respect for their criticisms. Still, they were professional actors of experience, and I was not yet certain that my judgment might not be wrong.

He said to him, "Mooney, what did you mean by telling me that our cow was dry and ugly? You said you couldn't milk her, but Mr. Smith does so without any difficulty, and the cow remains perfectly passive." "I'd like to see him do it," said Mooney, incredulously. Then Smith sat down and proceeded to perform the operation again. When he began, Mooney exclaimed,

He slowly strolled a block or more, peering in at the shop windows, yet never venturing beyond easy view of the hotel steps. Then he sauntered as deliberately back again. Lane and Mooney were now stationed upon the porch, tipping far back in their chairs, their feet deposited on the convenient railing, smoking and conversing noisily with a group of travelling men.

"Why so soon away, lads?" asked Fred. "We're goin' to see Eve Mooney," answered Bob. "Whatever are the boys goin' to do wi' them thick sticks?" exclaimed Martha Lockley. "Fit main an fore masts into a man-o'-war, I suppose," suggested her husband. The boys did not explain, but went off laughing, and Lockley called after them "Tell Eve I've got a rare lot o' queer things for her this trip."

"Arnold Baxter! is it possible!" muttered Dick to himself. "He must have a constitution like iron to get around so soon." "No, Mooney won't fail us," said Buddy Girk. "I gave him a mighty good talkin' to, I did." "I can't afford to have him go back on us," growled Arnold Baxter. "I'm not well enough yet to do this job alone." "How does your chest feel?" "Oh, the ribs seem to be all right.

The poor creature was recovering from a burst of passionate grief, and turned her large dark eyes fiercely on the would-be comforter as she entered. "My dear Mrs Lockley," began Mrs Mooney, with sympathy beaming on her red countenance, "it do grieve me to see you like this a'most as much as wen my " "You're drunk!" interrupted Mrs Lockley, with a look of mingled sternness and indignation.

Mary Mooney, who through the dark days had watched with anxious though uncomprehending eyes her boy's dejection and hard effort to live it down, and had applied partridges and sweetbreads and other forms of devotion steadily but unsuccessfully, saw at once and with, rapture the change when the Governor greeted her the next morning.

"Sure Mooney wasn't smart enough for such a game." "Perhaps not, but he got others to help him," said Dick. "He got Buddy Girk and Arnold Baxter, I feel positive of it." "The whole thing fits together pretty well," said the detective. "If only we, can lay hands on these men the boy mentions, we'll be all right."