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Darwin mocks the Christians even more cruelly; he tells us that our God has been asleep for millions of years. Even worse, he does not affirm that Jehovah was ever awake. Nowhere does he collect for the reader the evidences of a Creative Power and call upon man to worship and obey God.

He heard his heart beat audibly, and could have exclaimed with Lee's unfortunate heroine, "It pants as cowards do before a battle; Oh the great march has sounded!" Melmoth approached him with that frightful calmness that mocks the terror it excites. "My prophecy has been fulfilled; you rise to meet me rattling from your chains, and rustling from your straw am I not a true prophet?"

Tournaments, Tall castles fair and garden terraces, Where the stiff peacock mocks the sunset light, And man and maiden whisper tenderly A shadowy love where no heart ever breaks, Love whose to-morrow shall be as to-day.

I am as one to whom is prescribed the most complete repose; the visits, even of friends the dearest, forbidden as a perilous excitement. The sight of you of any one from the great world but especially of one whose rich vitality of youth and hope affronts and mocks my own fatigued exhaustion, would but irritate, unsettle, torture me. When I am quite well I will ask you to come.

We are dealing, then, with a society which no longer wishes to be poor; which mocks at everything that was once dear and sacred to it, liberty, religion, and glory, so long as it has not wealth; which, to obtain it, submits to all outrages, and becomes an accomplice in all sorts of cowardly actions: and this burning thirst for pleasure, this irresistible desire to arrive at luxury, a symptom of a new period in civilization, is the supreme commandment by virtue of which we are to labor for the abolition of poverty: thus saith the Academy.

Alas! Death mocks even the homage done him by our poor fears and hopes: with dust he wipes out dust, and with decay he blots the image of decay. I assure the reader that I made none of these apt reflections in the Campo Santo at Pisa, but have written them out this morning in Cambridge because there happens to be an east wind blowing.

A process is begun in every Christian soul of which the only natural end is the full possession of God in Christ, and that full possession can never be reached by a finite creature, but that does not mean that the ideal mocks us and retreats before us like the pot of gold, which the children fancy is at the end of the rainbow.

Why had she been singled out for this persecution of the brain. It is terrible to have a brain which mocks at you instead of happily mocking at others. And that was her case.

The child takes the same bit of bread with no better success; the duck mocks his efforts and swims round the basin. Overwhelmed with confusion he abandons the attempt, ashamed to face the crowd any longer. Then the conjuror takes the bit of bread the child brought with him and uses it as successfully as his own.

Death alone gives lively perceptions to the generality of men, who then see the very truth, such as they saw it before they began to sin, but more clear and more fearful: but they who are the pure in heart, like Joseph; or the meek among men, like Moses; or faithful found among the faithless, as Daniel; these men see God all through life in the face of His Eternal Son; and, while the world mocks them, or tries to reason them out of their own real knowledge, they are like Moses on the mount, blessed and hidden, "hid with Christ in God," beyond the tumult and idols of the world, and interceding for it.