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The man that has had his foot in the dock, and only escaped having his head in the noose, is never discredited in Ireland. Talk Parliament and parliamentary tactics to the small shopkeepers in Moate, and leave me to talk treason to the people in the bog.

The train by which Miss Betty O'Shea expected her nephew was late in its arrival at Moate, and Peter Gill, who had been sent with the car to fetch him over, was busily discussing his second supper when the passengers arrived. 'Are you Mr. Gorman O'Shea, sir? asked Peter of a well-dressed and well-looking young man, who had just taken his luggage from the train.

If the antiquary should lose himself in researches for the origin of this society, it is as well to admit at once that the landlord's sign of the 'Blue Goat' gave the initiative to the name, and that the worthy associates derived nothing from classical authority, and never assumed to be descendants of fauns or satyrs, but respectable shopkeepers of Moate, and unexceptional judges of 'poteen. A large jug of this insinuating liquor figured on the table, and was called 'Goat's-milk'; and if these humoristic traits are so carefully enumerated, it is because they comprised all that was specially droll or quaint in these social gatherings, the members of which were a very commonplace set of men, who discussed their little local topics in very ordinary fashion, slightly elevated, perhaps, in self-esteem, by thinking how little the outer world knew of their dulness and dreariness.

'I'll be right glad to be back again, said he, pressing her head down till he could kiss her cheek, 'right glad! The 'Blue Goat' in the small town of Moate is scarcely a model hostel.

It was but rarely indeed that a rebellious spirit dared to set up an opinion in opposition to his; but if such a hazardous event were to occur, he would suppress it with a dignity of manner which derived no small aid from the resources of a mind rich in historical parallel; and it was really curious for those who believe that history is always repeating itself, to remark how frequently John McGloin represented the mind and character of Lycurgus, and how often poor old, dreary, and bog-surrounded Moate recalled the image of Sparta and its 'sunny slopes.

'By the way, interposed Walpole, 'we must take care that that stupid blunder does not get into the local papers, or we shall have it circulated by the London press. 'I have already thought of that, said Dick, 'and I shall go into Moate to-morrow and see about it. 'Does that mean to say that you desert croquet? said Nina imperiously.

'I don't wonder he doesn't care to come into Moate. There's not a shop in the town he doesn't owe money to. 'And we never refused him credit 'For anything but his principles, chimed in an old fellow, whose oratory was heartily relished. 'He's going to stand in the National interest, said one. 'That's the safe ticket when you have no money, said another.

Now, what number of people have you here? 'I have my orderly, and two men to patrol the demesne; but to-morrow we'll draw the net tighter. We'll call in all the party from Moate, and from information I have got, we're sure to track him. 'What confidences is Curtis making with Mademoiselle Nina? said Atlee, who, though affecting to join the general conversation, had never ceased to watch them.

We don't care as much as we used about the "neighbouring gentry," as they called them once; and as for the lord, there! he doesn't spend a hundred a year in Moate. 'How is that? 'They get what they want by rail from Dublin, your honour; and he might as well not be here at all. 'Can we have a car to carry us over to the castle? asked Walpole, who did not care to hear more of local grievances.

'I saw the constabulary going in force there this afternoon. 'They were in pursuit of the celebrated Dan Donogan, said Father Luke. 'They say he was seen at Moate. 'They say more than that, said Miss Betty. 'They say that he is stopping at Kilgobbin Castle! 'I suppose to conduct young Kearney's election, said Miller, laughing. 'And why should they hunt him down? asked Gorman.