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I don't figger to argue wi' strangers at no time, an' when Anton's around I don't never git givin' no opinion till he's done talkin', when I mostly find mine's the same as his." "Some folks ain't got no grit," growled Shaky, contemptuously. "An' some folk 'a' got so much grit they ain't got no room fer savee," rapped in Slum sharply. "Meanin' me," said Shaky, sitting up angrily.

He showed how great a triumph for the mine was this vast increase of business; and the stark necessity of impressing the new customers by the promptitude and uniform excellence of all shipments. He pointed out the utter collapse to this and to all the rest of the mine's connections which a strike would entail. Najib listened unmoved.

And, as Bellamy made no response, "First time I ever saw him absorbed by a letter," he remarked: "Best one I've had for six months," said Bellamy, looking up. "That young brother of mine's coming down by the three-ten." "Rolling down, you mean," said Caldegard. "Can't roll any longer covered with moss," retorted Bellamy. "Aunt Jenny died and didn't leave me a cent."

But look here: I got nothin' particular to say against you two men, only you can't stop here to-night. That's straight enough, I hope, and no bones broken." "Straight it is," Mr. Jope agreed: "and we'll talk o' the bones by an' by. Wot name, sir? makin' so bold." "My name's Coyne." "An' mine's Cash." Mr. Jope fumbled with the fastening of a pouch underneath his broad waistbelt. "So we're well met.

Mine's gone off with a hactor." But the young couple were happy enough in reality, and Devine took the fancy of the New Yorkers to such a degree that his engagement was extended over three years. Letty Devine led a gay, careless life; her husband had plenty of money, and she was introduced to pleasures that made the frowsy life of home seem very repulsive.

"Well, if the kid stays till he wears out all them clothes, we'll just about have to give him a share in the company," he said drily. Bud looked up in quick jealousy. "What's mine's his, and I own a half interest in both claims. I guess that'll feed him if they pan out anything," he retorted. "Come here, Boy, and let's try this suit on.

How are we to get on for money when mine's all done!" "I don't know," said Dexter dolefully. "Can't we work for some?" "Yah! How can we work? I say, though, he knew you'd stolen the boat." "I didn't steal it, and it isn't stolen," said Dexter indignantly.

I watched a battalion marching back today and they looked like ghosts who had been years in muddy graves. White faces and dazed eyes and leaden feet. Mine's a cushy job. I like it best when the weather's foul. It cheats me into thinking I'm doing my duty. I nodded towards a recent shell-hole. 'Much of that sort of thing? 'Now and then. We had a good dusting this morning.

I worked right here et the Davis, the R.T. Davis coal mine, en at the Bailey mine; that was a-fore Mistah Bailey died. "When I worked for Mistah Davis he provided a house in the Cutt-Off, that's ovah wheath the mine's at. We woaked frum 7 o'clock in the mawnin' til 6 'clock at night. Yes, I sure liked tuh woak for Mistah Davis. I tended fuahnaces some, too. I sure wuz sorry wen Mistah Davis died."

"Murray's in jail for mismanagement of planetary resources, and the mine's been expropriated to the government. Now, you off!" The driver needed no further order from his fare. The taxi leaped into the air and tore back toward the city. It was clear that the military rules of Mars brooked no nonsense from the civilian population, and that the latter were well aware of it. "Fast work!"