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Captain Graybrook was of this opinion, and as the wind was light and there was no dangerous current running, the ship was hove to, and he ordered two of the boats to be got ready to capture some of the sea-lions, the ordinary species of seal found in the southern seas. Mr Champion took command of one boat and old Tom of the other, and the boys got leave to accompany the second mate.

For, though the very air was charged with strange emotions, every one talked quietly and naturally as with a definite desire to counteract unnecessary excitement. "I'll keep watch," said the plucky Bo'sun's Mate, "and meanwhile I find comfort in my work." She was busy with the sketch she had begun on the day after our arrival.

Indeed, I may as well here remark, that the mate had discovered a small piece of biscuit, softened by water, by his side when he took the children out of the boat, proving that the faithful nurse had given him the last morsel of food in her possession rather than eat it herself, in the hope of preserving his life.

He remained near by, muttering to himself till the yards had been hauled round at my order, and then raised again his foggy, thick voice: "None too soon," he observed, with a critical glance up at the towering side of the warehouse. "That's a half-sovereign in your pocket, Mr. Mate. You should always look first how you are for them windows before you begin to breast in your ship to the quay."

He was up an down with his medicines and his instruments all day long, and used to make notes of the cases in a big pocket-book, and read 'em to the second mate at mealtimes. "The fo'c'sle had been turned into hospital about a week, an' I was on deck doing some odd job or the other, when the cook comes up to me pulling a face as long as a fiddle.

"She'll do it, my lad. One moment; there's nothing except the wad inside, but I may as well sight the gun at the enemy and let 'em have the benefit of the blast." Brace stood back from the gun for a moment or two while the mate ran his eye along the little barrel, and then as the canoe was within forty yards the latter cried: "Now then, sir; let 'em have it."

I say Elizabeth's conduct though, poor child! it is natural to her to seek a mate, I mean, to accept a mate and an establishment, and Reginald is a very hopeful fellow I was saying, they jump on me out of an ambush, and I wish them every happiness. And she is an ardent soldier, and a soldier she must marry. But ten thousand! 'It is to secure the happiness of your daughter, General.

If one had been struck, might it not have been Uncle Jack! "He has hold of the grating at last!" cried the mate. "I see him waving his hand. There comes the bird again!" Once more my heart sank within me. I could not turn round to look, or I might have missed my stroke.

To-day the number of large fortunes has increased so rapidly that the wealthy young man has no difficulty in choosing an equally wealthy mate whose mental and physical attractions appear, and doubtless are, quite as desirable as those of the daughter of poorer parents. The same instinct to which I have confessed myself, as a professional man, is at work among our daughters and sons.

"They are going to reef." "We had better reef down too, I think," the mate said. "She has had as much as she could bear for some time." "I'll hold on ten minutes longer," the skipper said. "Every half mile counts." But before that time was up, the sails were one after another reefed, for the wind continued to freshen.