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Again Maryllia glanced at him, and again a little smile lifted the corners of her mouth. "I must pay for the telegrams," she said abruptly "Mrs. Tapple " "Yes, Miss I've written it all down," murmured Mrs. Tapple nervously "It's right, Mr. Walden, isn't it? If you would be so good as to look at it, bein' tuppence a word, it do make it different like, an' m'appen there might be a mistake "

"Gracious Heavens!" and Adderley stared in wonderment at his companion, first up, then down, at her wild hair, now loosened from its convent form of pigtail, and scarcely restrained by the big sun- hat which was tied on anyhow, at her great dark eyes, at her thin angular figure and long scraggy legs, legs which were still somewhat too visible, though since her arrival at Abbot's Manor Maryllia had made some thoughtful alterations in the dress of her musical protegee which had considerably improved her appearance "Is it possible to hear such things "

The angels would never forgive me!" They laughed. "Let us go into the garden" said Maryllia "It is quite lovely just now, there are such cool deep shadows on the lawn." Cicely at once ran out, beckoning Adderley to follow.

"Who has struck Spruce?" Bainton hesitated. It was an exceedingly awkward position. He looked appealingly, as was his wont, up into the air and among the highest branches of the 'Five Sisters' for 'Passon Walden, but naturally could not discover him at that elevation. "Come, come!" said Maryllia, imperatively "You are not all deaf, I hope! Give me a straight answer, one of you!

But you must scold me, Maryllia darling, when you hear me taking it, I don't want to strain the vocal cords, and I always forget I'm only fourteen; I feel oh! ever so much older! ages old, in fact!" She sighed, and stretched her arms up above her head. "What a perfect room this is to sing in! What a perfect house! and what a perfect angel you are to have me with you!"

"Oh I know!" said Cicely "Maryllia has spoken of you you've taken a cottage here for the summer. Pick that bit of honeysuckle for me, will you? that long trail just hanging over you!" "With pleasure!" and he gathered the coveted spray and handed it to her. "Thanks!" and she smiled appreciatively as she took it. "How did you get into that wood? Did you jump the hedge?" "I did!" replied Adderley.

Maryllia smiled, she knew that kind of woman well; and paying only the most casual attention to her for the rest of the time, returned to her own place by the open windows and began to dispense the tea, while Sir Morton Pippitt opened conversation by feigning to recall having met her some two or three years back.

And Maryllia laughed "But I don't think I'm wanted at all in the village. Mr. Walden does everything." "So he does!" agreed Stanways "He's a true 'minister' if there ever was one. Still, he has not been quite so much about lately." "No?" queried Maryllia "I expect he's very busy!" "I think he has only one wish in the world!" said Mrs. Stanways, smiling.

Tapple carefully flattened them out, and set them on her narrow office counter. "Will you have a pencil, or pen and ink, Miss?" she enquired. "Pen and ink, please," replied Maryllia; whereat the old postmistress breathed a sigh of relief.

Maryllia interrupted her by a little gesture. "I can't, Spruce!" she said, but with great gentleness "I know it's the right and proper thing for me to do in the country if I wish to stand well with my neighbours,-but I can't! I don't believe in it, and I won't pretend that I believe!" Poor Mrs. Spruce felt a sudden choking in her throat, and her motherly face grew red and pale by turns.