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Updated: November 16, 2024

"He prevents me from marshaling my thoughts." "I'm afraid he won't withdraw." "Never mind. I'll do my best in spite of him. Tell me, was I dreaming or did I really meet you in the hall this morning at about twenty minutes after two?" "You did." "And did you really tell me that you had come to the castle to steal " "Recover." " Recover Mr. Peters' scarab?" "I did." "Then it's true?" "It is."

Marshaling his facts, he planned briefly how he would make use of them, and finally began to draw scrappy mental pen-pictures of the usurping Mary Thorne. She would be tall, probably, and raw-boned that domineering, "bossy" type he always associated with women who assumed men's jobs harsh-voiced and more than a trifle hard.

His brothers, though they retained the scepter, as it fell successively into their hands, relied mainly on his wisdom and courage in all their efforts to defend it, and Ethelred may have been somewhat more at his ease, in listening to the priest's prayers in his tent, from knowing that the arrangements for marshaling and directing a large part of the force were in such good hands.

Curtis was marshaling her forces for a mighty effort when the door opened, and Steingall entered, accompanied by a tall, well set-up man in evening dress, and wearing an open overcoat and green Homburg hat. "Well," cried Devar, springing forward with outstretched hand, "I'm mighty glad to see you, John D.!" The newcomer's face lit with pleasure, but before he could utter a responsive word Mrs.

We can imagine the lady, gracious in her stateliness, marshaling old General T and Colonel C , two veterans of the Revolution, out into her barnyard to get their opinion as to the value of her fat cattle, and the concealed disapproval with which she received their judgment that forty-five dollars was a fair price for the pair, "when," as she quietly remarks, "I considered that fifty dollars was little enough for so fine a pair of fat cattle; and in fact I got my own price for them the next day."

The mystery of this secret night march served to quicken imagination, and I could see this same column grimly marshaling in "battle's magnificently stern array" in the dim light of the coming morning, ready to burst upon some exposed point of the enemy's line. Opening my eyes a little later, the same ghostly procession was filing past, but in an opposite direction.

It became a half human thing and seemed to be marshaling the other clouds. Under its influence they became agitated and moved restlessly about. Out of the body of the most active of the clouds long vaporous arms were extended. They pulled and hauled at the other clouds making them also restless and agitated.

There were luncheons, dinners, teas, dances, and the like always in progress, but he resisted most of these things, preferring to remain the quaint old Sieur de Conte, following again the banner of the Maid of Orleans marshaling her twilight armies across his illumined page.

Were they disappointed at the humble mother, wife of a workingman, and at the manger cradle? These did not match the desire and expectation of the Jews. They had long cherished the passionate hope of an earthly prince who would come wearing purple robes and marshaling armies to trample hated oppressors under feet and make Jerusalem the mistress of the world.

"But console yourself," resumed the young girl; "we have yet no reason to despair." "To despair?" repeated the marshaling by turns at Mdlle. de Cardoville despair? "of what, in heaven's name?" "Of seeing your children, marshal," said Adrienne; "the presence of their father will facilitate the search." "The search!" cried Pierre Simon. "Then, my daughters are not here?"

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