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Updated: November 20, 2024
"Yer mammy'll allers love ye, little 'un, allers, allers, no matter what yer pappy does!" She whispered this under her breath; then, dragging the red shawl about her shoulders, appeared in the living-room with the child hidden from view. "An' I'll tell ye somethin' else, too," burst in Lem, pulling out a corncob pipe: "that it ain't none of yer business if I steal or if I don't.
Not foh good?" He nodded and she broke into loud wailings. "Yo's gwine and yo' old mammy'll see yo' no moh no moh! I knows why yo's gwine, Mar's'r Edward. I's heard yo' talkin' about her in yo' sleep. But yo' stay and yo' mammy has a love-charm foh yo'; den she's yo's, foh suah."
I'll hide it well, but I want to keep it a secret for another reason. Mind, Katey, don't you tell?" "No!" said Katey, with wide eyes. "But can I truly have a new frock, Mammy, and new shoes and is it really Christmas?" "It's really Christmas, darlin'," said Ann, "and you'll see what mammy'll bring home to you, after breakfast."
"Now, Cissy," she said, coming to the girl's room one night and finding her sobbing over disappointed hopes, "don't you s'pose yer own mammy'll do whut's best fur her dautah? You mustn't think 'cause I'm sharp an' stirrin' with you thet I don't love you." She seated herself on the side of the bed and began to stroke Susan's hair. "'Tain't no use fur you to tek on so.
Striped Chipmunk helped him back to his doorstep and cut funny capers while Mother Meadow Mouse bound up the hurt foot, and all the time Danny Meadow Mouse laughed until pretty soon he forgot that his foot ached at all. When Peter Rabbit came jumping along up the Lone Little Path he began to shout as soon as he saw Danny Meadow Mouse: "Cry, Danny, cry! Mammy'll whip you by and by!
"Now," said Polly, as they shut the door tight, "don't you go to looking at the cupboard, Joey, or mammy'll guess something." "Can't I just open it a little crack, and take one smell when she isn't looking?" asked Joel; "I should think you might, Polly; just one." "No," said Polly, firmly; "not one, Joe; she'll guess if you do." But Mrs.
"Why?" asked the girl, suddenly opening her eyes on him with relentless frankness. "You said your father didn't like miners, and he mightn't like your lending your pan to me." "I'm more afraid o' lyin' than o' dad," she said with an elevation of moral sentiment that was, however, slightly weakened by the addition, "Mammy'll say anything I'll tell her to say."
"An' my little painted wagin," put in Dumps. "An' you shall live with us always," continued Diddie; "an' Mammy'll put yer feet into hot water, an' rub turkentine on yer ches', an' give yer 'fermifuge' ev'y mornin', an' you'll soon be well. Papa, sha'n't she go home with us?" Major Waldron's own eyes moistened as he answered,
Pepper; and went back to Phronsie, who could scarcely let her out of her sight. Polly stitched away bravely. "Now if I do this good, mammy'll let me do it other times," she said to herself. Davie, too, worked patiently out of doors, trying to do Ben's chores.
"Joel!" implored Polly, and in her distress she pulled up her bandage as she looked at him; "you know mammy'll be so sorry at you! Oh, ma'am, and" she turned to Miss Jerusha, who was now thoroughly aroused to the duty she saw before her of doing these children good, "I don't know what is the reason, ma'am; Joel never talks so; he's real good; and "
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