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Hence they resist knowledge and the adoption of manners and customs differing from their own. The progress of reason is not only slow, but mechanical. "De toutes les Instructions propres a l'homme, celle qu'il acquiert le plus tard, et le plus difficilement, est la raison meme."

I asked one of the Invalides whether the Allies had not got possession of a few. With great indignation and animation he exclaimed, "Je suis aussi sûr que je suis de mon existence qu'il n'out pas pris un seul même."

Je crains meme qu'au bout d'un certain temps cet isolement ne produise un facheux etat dans mon esprit. Je me plonge dans le travail, le refuge des gens isoles." Shortly after Easter there came an attack of gout, this time in one knee, and Gilbert was naturally disturbed by the conviction that the disease had become more threatening now that it was going up.

"Oui, c'est un homme de beaucoup d'esprit, a ce qu'on dit, a ce que je crois meme, mais il faut vous apprendre qu'il n'est pas des NOTRES." My father spoke of Pamela, Lady Edward Fitzgerald, and explained how he had defended her in the Irish House of Commons; instead of being pleased or touched, her mind instantly diverged into an elaborate and artificial exculpation of Lady Edward and herself, proving, or attempting to prove, that she never knew any of her husband's plans, that she utterly disapproved of them, at least of all she suspected of them.

But all the same after forty years' faithful service and not to mention in the will même pour une Bretonne, c'était raide. Jeanne agreed. She had no reason to love her Aunt Morin. Her father's people came from Agen on the confines of Gascony; he had been a man of great gestures and vehement speech; her mother, gentle, reserved, un pen dévote.

J'ai en tout quarante roubles; il prendra les roubles et il me tuera tout de meme." In his panic he for some reason shut up the umbrella and laid it down beside him. A cart came into sight on the high road in the distance coming from the town. "Grace a Dieu, that's a cart and it's coming at a walking pace; that can't be dangerous.

No, the count had not read it but he could read the story of a beautiful nature when he encountered one, and presently he allowed Charm to see how absorbing he found its perusal. "Ah, bien et tout de meme Zola, yes, he writes terrible books; but he is a good man a model husband and father," continued Monsieur d'Agreste, addressing the table.

"A ce filon, s'en joignent d'autres plus embarrassans. Ils viennent du toit, qu'ils divisent par de larges fentes comblées, aboutissantes au filon principale. Ils font de même calcaires et marins faits par couches; mais ces couches ont une si grande inclinaison, que je ne puis les comprendre: il faut qu'il y ait eu d'étranges bouleversemens dans ces endroits-l

«Le faite de la montagne, battu de tous cotés par les vents, et par les pluies, a souffert des altérations les plus grandes: ici les couches du coté du lac ont été detruites, et laissent voir les sommités des couches opposées, dont les escarpemens paroissent tourner contre ce même lac; l

Now, it cannot be accurately said of this philosopher that either his philosophy or his history is entirely and simply A PRIORI. ON EST DE SON SIECLE MEME QUAND ON Y PROTESTE, and so we find in him continual references to the Spartan mode of life, the Pythagorean system, the general characteristics of Greek tyrannies and Greek democracies.