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Just then it occurred to me that the gas I had left lighted when I went to bed was out; that the door I had left locked was open. Straight downstairs I went. The gas in the hall was out, and every door I had myself closed and locked the previous morning stood ajar, with the seal, however, remaining intact. I had borne as much as I could: my nerves were utterly unhinged.

They went on without a pause except for the formalities at the Italian frontier, and it was early in the afternoon when the car slowed down before the closed gates of the Château Lontana. The chauffeur got out and tried to open them, but they were locked. He turned to the Prince for instructions. "What are we to do, sir? There is no bell."

It was almost impossible to induce her to come to a decision of any kind; and only when she saw Antonia and Isabel were dressed for a journey, and that Thomas had locked up all the rooms and was extinguishing the fires, could she bring herself to believe that the trial so long anticipated had really come. "My dearest mother! My own life and the lives of many others may now hang upon a few moments.

As usual, he said not a word in reply to the invitation of his friends, but nodded his head at them instead, until he nearly nodded it off; and so, being all of one mind, our philosophers locked up their studies, put on their five-cornered caps, and taking their gold-headed canes and their note books, to be ready to put down any new fact that might turn up, started off for a country ramble.

The shadow that hung over her young life was growing very dark. Parker had hurried into her own room, where she first shut and locked the door, as if afraid to think even while it was open, and then wrung her hands in a sort of agony. "To think of it to think of it!" she said, bursting into sudden sobs. "And Miss Enid so sweet and innocent and gentle! What has she done?

To this Olly demurred, whereupon the irate wife locked her faithless lord in the house, and kept him a close prisoner till he threw up the sponge and promised to accede to her demands. He obtained his liberty, and ostensibly left the house for the purpose of drawing the money and transferring $2,000 of it to his wife's account.

She lay down in all the clothing she wore, for she was apprehensive of something happening on this night. She saw that the old woman was very drowsy herself. Appearing to sleep, Ruth waited and watched. The storm whined in the trees of the island, but there was no other noise. Zelaya was at the locked box again, and she soon drew forth her treasure-casket.

"Why don't you cry?" "Because I don't want to." "You do," said she. "You have been crying till you are half blind, and you are near crying again now." She laughed contemptuously, pushed me out, and locked the gate upon me. I went straight to Mr. Pumblechook's, and was immensely relieved to find him not at home.

Marcella moved across the whiteness of the grass; her voice was still speaking to his inward ear. His lips smiled; his heart was in a wild whirl of happiness. Then he walked to the table, took up his letter, read it, tore it across, and locked the fragments in a drawer. "Not yet, Ned not yet, dear old fellow, even to you," he said to himself, as he put out his lamp. Three days passed.

Sully motioned toward the end of the car where Phil was locked in the linen closet. "What you going to do with him?" "Drop him when I get ready." "But aren't you afraid the other outfit will get wind of what you are doing? It's pretty dangerous business to lock up a fellow like that." "I don't care whether they get wise to it or not. They won't know where he is.