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"Miss Cecilia 'splained it all to me and she's my Sunday-School teacher and rabbits is bound to lay eggs 'cause it's in the Bible and she's 'bout the prettiest 'splainer they is. I'm going over there now to see 'bout my eggs," and he made believe to leave the swing. "Le's us slip roun' to the hen-house an' see what the of hen's a-doin'," suggested the sorely tempted Billy.

I hed to learn too, but I wasn't more than eight years old when I got my schoolin'." Harvey regained his seat with aching jaws and a frown. "No good gettin' mad at things, Dad says. It's our own fault ef we can't handle 'em, he says. Le's try here. Manuel 'll give us the water." The "Portugee" was rocking fully a mile away, but when Dan up-ended an oar he waved his left arm three times.

Her good old Irish heart warmed to the sufferer. After all, it was rather pleasant to have the enemy thus humbly seek her aid, so she muttered: "Le's see it." Sam was trying amid many groans to expose the disgusting mess he had made around his knee, when a step was heard outside. The door opened and in walked Biddy. She and Yan recognized each other at once.

The man pounded the table with his quivering fists. "Yessir," he cried, with deep earnestness, as if someone disputed him. "I'm goo' feler, an' w'en any one trea's me ri', I allus trea's le's have nozzer drink." He began to beat the wood with his glass. "Shay!" howled he, growing suddenly impatient. As the waiter did not then come, the man swelled with wrath. "Shay!" howled he again.

But he comes runnin' up to them cryin' children an' I wish't you could 'a' seen his smile Abel's smile was always kind o' like his soul growin' out of his face, rill thrifty. "'Why, you little kiddies! s'e, 'cryin' when you're all nice an' warm! Le's see now, he says grave. 'Anybody here know how to play Drop-the-handkerchief? If you do, he tells 'em, 'stand up quick!

"Come, now, you don't care, do you?" he asked lovingly. "One day's the same as another, now ain't it?" "Is it?" said Letty, a smile running over her face and into her wet eyes. "Well, then, le's have Fourth o' July fireworks next Sunday mornin'!" David looked a little hurt; but that was only because he was puzzled. His sense of humor wore a different complexion from Letty's.

"Moreover," Lorimer went on, still in that unwonted high, clear voice; "le's drink to Arlt's mother an' sister, Frau Arlt an' Frãulein Katarina Arlt." The sudden angry color blazed up in Arlt's cheeks, and he straightened in his chair. Then he caught Thayer's eye, and with an effort he controlled himself.

She knew values, and profited by her knowledge. "Le's see. Turn around. It looks great on you. Yep. That's all right." He liked to fancy himself a connoisseur in women's clothes and to prove it he sometimes brought home an article of feminine apparel glimpsed in a shop window or showcase, but Lil soon put a stop to that. She had her own ideas on clothes. He turned to jewellery.

We're gonna get rich quick, we are. What you laughin' at?" "I never laugh," denied Mr. Richie. "When yo're stakin' out claims don't forget me." "We won't," averred Mr. Dawson, solemnly. "Le's have another." They had another several others. The upshot was that when Mr. Dawson. Mr. Tunstall, of course, was still sleeping deeply and noisily. But Mr. Dawson had long since lost interest in Mr.