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Next day the troops were landed by the prince of Hesse, to the number of two thousand, and the Dutch ketches bombarded the place; but by this time the governor had secured the chiefs of the Austrian party; and the people exhibiting no marks of attachment to king Charles, the prince re-embarked his soldiers, from an apprehension of their being attacked and overpowered by superior numbers.

Only small coasting craft were there, mostly ketches; but we had topsail schooners also and barquantines, those ascending and aerial rigs that would be flamboyant but for the transverse spars of the foremast, giving one who scans them the proper apprehension of stability and poise.

I'm expectin' important letters from home to-morrow, and I must go back an' git 'em. I've a thousand things to do before I go away. Have some sense. This thing's bin sprung on me so suddenly that it ketches me unawares." With the quickness of a flash she whipped out a long knife from somewhere, and raised it, and then hesitated a second.

"The she-kid rustles a jawb as biscuit-shooter in a Swede beanery oveh to Crested Butte, but she was so plum ugly thet she scahed away all thu feeders an' thu boss sues her foh his come-back. Then she hikes out with a tinhawn Greaser an' ketches thu small-pawx down to Taos, an' passes out accordin'!

"I wouldn't like to be them burglars, when Eb ketches hold of 'em again," he continued. "No, sir. Why, Eb arrested two fellers last summer for haulin' Levi Sanborn's lobster-pots, he took an' tied 'em back to back an' carried 'em over to Lanesport in his boat, an' turned 'em over to the police. One feller got six months in the House of C'rrection. Gee! You're goin' to Bailey's, aint yer?"

"There, pappy," said Mother Tyler, anxiously, "that'll do; ye're goin' ter git 'er so wide-erwake there'll be no doin' er thing with 'er. Come, now, Thaney, let mammy put ye down here on yer quilt. Come, come, I know ye've forgot that ole bugger-man that stays up th' chimbly 'n' ketches bad gals! There, now, that's mammy's nice gal. Git 'er playthings fer 'er, Susan Jane.

"'That's nothin' to do with his makin' love to the British woman, says Tucson Jennie, grittin' her teeth like she could eat the sights offen a six-shooter. "'He never makes no love to this yere woman, says Missis Rucker. "'When he ketches her flirtin' with that Injun, demands Tucson Jennie, 'don't Dave shoot him up a lot? What do you-all call makin' love?

'Seas, rivers, lakes, and ponds, said Riderhood. 'They've got all the lot, Master! Blowed if I shouldn't have left out lakes, never having clapped eyes upon one, to my knowledge. Seas, rivers, lakes, and ponds. Wot is it, lambs, as they ketches in seas, rivers, lakes, and ponds? 'Good a-gin! said Riderhood. 'But wot else is it, my lambs, as they sometimes ketches in rivers? Chorus at a loss.

Sherwood received the following telegram, in his New York office: Whitey wont learn nothin. Ketches pickrul. What will I do? William Jordan You will notice that this message took exactly ten words which was evidence of more thinking on Bill's part.

"'Twill take that time to wash up the dishes an' rig Willie up." "Not three hours!" "You don't know him. We'll have our hands full to head him away from that thing he's makin'. All I pray is no new scheme ketches him while he's dressin', for 'twill be all day with the party if it does." Fortunately no such misadventure befell.