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The murderer cried a little, but he took off his sea-boots and obeyed. "Ah!" cried Mr. Riach, with a dreadful voice, "ye should have interfered long syne. It's too late now." "Mr. Riach," said the captain, "this night's work must never be kennt in Dysart. The boy went overboard, sir; that's what the story is; and I would give five pounds out of my pocket it was true!" He turned to the table.

I tell you fair: if I but kennt the heid of a Hebrew word from the hurdies of it, be damned but I would fling the whole thing up and turn minister!" "It's rather a hard position," said I. "Dooms hard!" cries he. "And that's what makes me think so much of ye you that's no Stewart to stick your head so deep in Stewart business. And for what, I do not know: unless it was the sense of duty."

His first opus contains a setting of "Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt," which I like better than the banal version Tschaïkowski made of the same words. The third opus contains three songs to Shelley's words. They show something of the intellectual emotion of the poet.

"O, it'll be just an excuse," said I. "He is still after this marriage, which I wish from my heart that we could bring about. And he asks you because he thinks I would be less likely to come wanting you." "Well, I wish that I kennt," says Alan. "Him and me were never onyways pack; we used to girn at ither like a pair of pipers. 'Something for my ear, quo' he!

It was fitting that she should be the first to land at Carvel Hall. "'Twas yere bonny face I seed first, Miss Dolly," he cried, the tears coursing down the scars of his cheeks. "An' syne I kennt weel the young master was here. Noo God be praised for this blythe day, that Mr. Richard's cam to his ain at last!"

And bending over the music-book, she read in an undertone: "Wer nie sein Brod mit Thranen ass, Wer nie die kummervollen Nachte Auf seinem Bette einsam sass, Der kennt euch nicht, Ihr himmlischen Machte!" "Say yourself, Mr. Himmel, is not that beautiful and touching?" she asked, looking up again to her teacher.

Manners nor Miss Dorothy knew aught of this state of affairs. "Mr. Richard," he said earnestly, as he bade me good-by, "I kennt Mr. Manners's mind when he lea'd here. There was a laird in't, sir, an' a fortune. An' unless these come soon, I'm thinking I can spae th' en'." In truth, a much greater fool than McAndrews might have predicted that end.

I take nae manner of interest in the lad, and I'll pay nae ransom, and ye can make a kirk and a mill of him for what I care." "Hoot, sir," says Alan. "Blood's thicker than water, in the deil's name! Ye canna desert your brother's son for the fair shame of it; and if ye did, and it came to be kennt, ye wouldna be very popular in your countryside, or I'm the more deceived."

"The case is over; the jury is enclosed, and will be so kind as let us ken their view of it to-morrow in the morning, the same as I could have told it my own self three days ago before the play began. The thing has been public from the start. The panel kennt it, 'Ye may do what ye will for me, whispers he two days ago. 'I ken my fate by what the Duke of Argyle has just said to Mr.

"The very same," says I. "Mony's the time I've thocht upon you and your freen, and blithe am I to see you in your braws," she cried; "though I kennt ye were come to your ain folk by the grand present that ye sent me, and that I thank ye for with a' my heart."