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The prophet's wife and Mave exchanged looks as the woman spoke: and the latter said: "I hope you don't think there's any evil before me." "Who is there," replied the stranger, "that can say there's not? Sure it's before us and about us every hour in the day; but in your case, darlin', I jist say, be on your guard, an' don't trust or put belief in any one that you don't know well.

Merton and the millionaire paid a visit to Blake, whom they found asleep, and the doctor, having taken supper and accepted an invitation to stay all night, joined the two other men in the smoking- room. In answer to inquiries about the patient, Dr. MacTavish said, 'It's jist concussion, slight concussion, and nervous shoke.

Holy Mother! but ye ought to be 'shamed to be a Swade, ye miserable, slab-sided haythen." "My name ban Swanson; it ban all right, hey?" "Swanson! Swanson! Oh, ye poor benighted, ignorant foreigner!" and Mike straightened up, slapping his chest proudly. "Jist ye look at me, now! Oi'm an O'Brien, do ye moind that? An O'Brien!

But as for being off, why I don't mean it noway. I've got a bargain to strike with you, and it is jist a matter to take the tiger-cat out of you, it is, d n it: and when you've heard it, you'll be in no sich hurry to get rid of me. But, afore we begin, I've jist got a matter to ax you: and that is, how the h you cleared the old Piankeshaw and his young uns?"

I've no head for fagures whatsumdiver; an' to tell me that the strame is ninety-six miles long and three thousand miles broad at the mouth, and sich like calcerlations, is o' no manner o' use, and jist goes in at wan ear an' out at the tother."

'O, ho! says he, 'what you didn't see was the electric button under the table cover which rung a bell when the mouse was picked up. That's what I call my mouse-trap. "At this I jist b'iled over.

"Now, then," said Jones, as he took something reverently from an empty bunk, "who's going up fust?" "I ain't," said Tim. "Wot about you, cookie?" said Jones. "Well, wot about me?" demanded the other. "I thought p'r'aps you'd like to lead the way," said Mr. Jones, mildly. "You thought wrong, then," said the cook, shortly. "It was jist a compliment," urged Mr. Jones.

"'Oh, Aunt Roxy, says she, 'it's so dark, who will go with me? and in a minute her whole face brightened up, and says she, 'John is going with me, and she jist gave the least little sigh and never breathed no more she jist died as easy as a bird. I told our minister of it next morning, and he asked if I'd made a note of the hour, and I told him I had, and says he, 'You did right, Aunt Roxy."

Ough! how cold it is, and how my fingers ache with the frost when I take off my mittens to strap on Laura's skates! But, oh, how my cheeks burn! And how careful I am not to hurt Laura, an' how I ask her if that's 'tight enough, an' how she tells me 'jist a little tighter, and how we two keep foolin' along till the others hev gone an' we are left alone!

Musha, Owen, ate your dinner as you ought to do, wid your capers! How can you take a spade in your hand upon that morsel?" "Finish your own," said her husband, "an' never heed me; jist let me alone. Don't you see that if I wanted it, I'd ate it, an' what more would you have about!" "Well, acushla, it's your own loss, sure, of a sartinty. An' Rosha, whisper, ahagur, what can Owen or I do for you?