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"Whar you goin', Judy?" she inquired. "You ain't thinkin' about traipsin' out of doors on a night like this, are you?" "Archie promised to take me to the Bible class, an' he hasn't come back," replied Judy, while her face worked convulsively. "I've waited for him since half past seven." "If that don't beat all!" exclaimed Sarah. "Why, it's thunderin' like Jedgment Day. Can't you hear it?"

"If you stir from here, you're no son of mine," said Ezekiel. "But she's in danger, dad." "As she oughter be. By mornin' she'll be strewed along the shore and not a spar to mark where she's a-swingin' now." "And the men?" "It's a jedgment, boy."

No, no, Rachel, I'd like fust-rate to eat another bushel or so to please you, but somethin' that still, small voice we're always readin' about, or somethin' seems to tell me 'twouldn't be good jedgment. . . . Um-hm. . . . 'Twouldn't be good jedgment. . . . Cal'late it's right, too. . . . Yes, yes, yes."

"I conceit as much," answered the Trapper, "I conceit as much, fur ye left the sled with mighty leetle deliberation; and when I saw yer legs comin' through the air, I sartinly doubted ef the ice would hold ye. But ye steered with jedgment; yis, ye steered with jedgment, Bill; and I'd said it ef we'd gone to the bottom."

W'en old man Gabrile toot his ho'n, he ain't gwineter hang no sine out in de winder-panes, an when ole Fadder Jacob lets down dat lather er his'n you'll be mighty ap' fer ter hear de racket. An' don't you bodder wid jedgment-day. Jedgment- day is lierbul fer ter take keer un itse'f." "Dat's so, Brer Remus." "Hit's bleedzed ter be so, Brer Ab. Hit don't bodder me.

Indeed the text rather implies that, for it speaks of the fish as 'coming up, and that means rising to the fly." "Wa'al," said Cap'n Gray, rising slowly and knocking out the ashes of his pipe on the edge of his chair, "I can't express no jedgment on the merits of this debate, seein' I've never been much of a fisher.

"H'm," said Rolf, "'it just shows, as old Sylvanne sez, 'this yer steel-trap, hair-trigger, cocksure jedgment don't do. An' the more a man learns, the less sure he gits. An' things as hez lasted a long time ain't liable to be on a rotten foundation." The Charm of Song With a regular tum ta tum ta, came a weird sound from the sunrise rock one morning, as Van slipped out of his cabin.

That's Bill, perhaps, as he stands up f'r jedgment, a miserable, tremblin', 'nd unworthy thing, perhaps, but twined about, all over, with singin' and pleadin' little children and that is pleasin' in God's sight, I know. What would you what would I say, if we wuz settin' in jedgment then?

Dis fine house, suh, wid de red cyarpets and shiny bureaus, it's all hired; and de man talkin' scan'lous about de rent. Dat debble 'scuse me, Lawd he done in Yo' hands fer jedgment, now he made way wid everything." The physician's silence encouraged her to continue. The history that he gleaned from Cindy's disordered monologue was an old one, of illusion, wilfulness, disaster, cruelty and pride.

I ain't the first man to come trailin' in with news of a strike. An' I had nothin' to show for it. Not even a color of gold. Nothin' but the word of a dead Aleut, my own jedgment, an' my own sight of an island I never landed on. Matter of fact, Honest Simms was the only one who didn't laff at me outright. It was on'y his bad luck made him try a chance at gold 'stead of keepin' after pelts.