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Updated: January 21, 2025

They think in big hunks and keep a lot of words floating in the air.... What old Carl calls 'Blaa ... blaa...." The two friends sat regarding each other critically. Dorn nodded after a pause. "You're right," he smiled. "I'm part of the blaa-blaa. I heard them blaa-blaa with guns in Munich one night. And up in the Baltic. You're right. Anything one says about absurdity becomes absurd itself.

Did I tell you that old Hunks has been deused liberal? I can laugh at the small terms, yet go to Murkey's and shine through the smoke with the best of you. "Faithfully, yours, &c." So far our profligate had written to his brother profligate, when a tap was heard at the entrance of his chamber.

"What in space?" demanded Placer irritably, peering at the mass of Jellies pouring out of the gate and beginning to move hesitantly along the corridor in both directions. "Jellies!" croaked Nuwell. "The Jellies are loose! They're attacking us!" "Soft hunks of blubber!" said Placer contemptously. "They can't hurt anybody. I wonder what idiot left that gate open?" "I did," admitted Nuwell.

Poll put her arms a-kimbo, At the admiral's house look'd she, To thoughts that were in limbo, She now a vent gave free. So while they cut their raw salt junks, With dainties you'll be cramm'd; Here's once for all my mind, old hunks, Port Admiral, you be damned. Chorus. So once for all our mind, old hunks, Port Admiral, you be damned.

In one book I remember where a grizzly rolled a log up under a tree so he could stand on it an' put his mark above another grizzly's mark. Think of that! "No bear makes a mark that means anything. I've seen grizzlies bite hunks out o' trees an' scratch 'em just as a cat might, an' in the summer when they get itchy an' begin to lose their hair they stand up an' rub against trees.

He was, in fact, more concerned to know what Mr. Lowington's decision was, and he was waiting impatiently for an interview with him. "The old hunks is too mean for the Josephines, and he has been quartered upon us!" exclaimed Wilton, as the professor descended to the main deck. "The fellows in the consort say he is as grouty as a mud turtle, and as crabbed as an owl at noonday.

There were chunks and hunks of the precious yellow metal larger than the thumbs of the brawny handed miners; besides gold dust in moose-hide sacks tied tightly and placed systematically side by side in rows. The surprise of the white men was great. They did not imagine that Pete mined gold to any extent, but thought he had secured enough in a desultory way for his present use.

He picked up a stick from the roadside and commenced to gnaw it; then, surprised because the others were not eating, he broke the stick in three parts, and said: "Do have some of the nice tender steak, Mr. Burns and Mr. Wilson." They threw the sticks at him. He ran ahead of them. They finished the bombardment with hunks of mud, and chased after him, slipping and splashing along the road.

Vast blocks, vast hunks, of the masonry are broken off from the mass and lie detached, but the mass keeps the form and dignity of the original design; and in the lonely fields there it had something august and proud beyond any quality of the Arena at Verona or the Colosseum at Rome.

Made a big deal on Coates's shares. Ca' canny. Cunning old Scotch hunks. All the toady news. Our gracious and popular vicereine. Bought the Irish Field now. Lady Mountcashel has quite recovered after her confinement and rode out with the Ward Union staghounds at the enlargement yesterday at Rathoath. Uneatable fox. Pothunters too. Fear injects juices make it tender enough for them. Riding astride.

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