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"That galoot-boss ought to hev shoved his crew down to that jam this mornin'," grumbled Old Kennebec to Alcestis Crambry, who was always his most loyal and attentive listener. "But he would n't take no advice, not if Pharaoh nor Boaz nor Herod nor Nicodemus come right out o' the Bible an' give it to him. The logs air contrary today.

Count opened the book, fumbling nervously among the unfamiliar leaves. Then he suddenly looked up, his weather-scarred face glowing a dull brick-red, and said, in a low voice, "This thing's too many fer me; kin any of ye do it? Ef not, I guess we'll hev ter take it as read." There was no response for a moment; then I stepped forward, reaching out my hand for the book.

"Why Philip," she exclaimed, "how can I get married and all this work on hand?" "I'm kinder thinkin we ken hev the job did, and then I ken help you fur to do the work." Recta, demurred, but overwhelmed with persuasions, she finally consented to confer with her sister, living near by, and the result was, they were married before night, which fully accorded with Daddy's desires.

Mulford might have been brought up to paper wads, and didn't mind them. "It ain't no use," said another Director, "the children hev got to be amused." Mr. Grile protested that there were other amusements quite as diverting; but the third Director here rose and remarked: "I perfeckly agree with the Cheer; this youngster better travel.

It's all the way through the woods now fur them cannon, an' the English will hev to use the axes most o' the time." "Then we'll be going back as fast as we can. I want to tell you again, Sol, that your face was mighty welcome." "I ain't no beauty," grinned the shiftless one, "but them that's bringin' help do be welcome when they come.

Dus'ta mind I was amang the lads that went ahint her I was, mysel'. But she wad hev nowt wi' me; she trysted wid Angus; so I went back home and broke the click reel of my new loom straight away. And it's parlish odd I've not lived marraless iver sin'."

In some distress at this frank announcement, Donald said, "But I don't like to have you put yourselves out for me. I wouldn't have stayed if...." "Now, don't let thet idee disturb ye a mite. We're glad ter hev ye with us, an' what fer air friends ef hit haint ter be an excuse fer a leetle extry celebration? Set down, set down thar."

"I should think so," said the officer, dryly. "You say you have no complaint to make about that affair?" he added to Nimbus. "No," said he; "'twan't a tingob any 'count, nohow. I can't make out what'twas made Marse Potem so fractious anyhow. I reckon, as he says, dar must hev ben some mistake about it.

Another time we may tackle it, but I hev other fish to fry just now, an' we must begin this very night wi' a grand palaver." After a few more vigorous whiffs, and a frown indicative of intense thought, the trader continued

"I gave you his character this morning, Colonel B." "Hout, Colonel!" said the Presbyterian, "deil a penny rent the man pays, at all, at all. A'll swear a hev it from Jackson's own lips. He made him a Bailey, sir; he suts rent free. Ask the man, sir, for his receipts, an' a'll warrant the truth will come out." "I have secured Jackson's attendance," said the Colonel; "let him be called in."