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I got up about 6.30, made the beds and put the room straight before early service. After breakfast I generally practise hymns, and John Glass, who takes the harmonium up to church, comes in early, as do William and some of the boys, to listen to the music. Confirmation classes begin this week. Graham intends holding them twice a week, and hopes men will attend as well as women.

She tried to speak again, but not being able to command herself, held forth the card to Constance and jerked her head in the direction of Mr. Povey. Constance rose and put the card on the keyboard of the harmonium. "Sophia!" she whispered. Mr. Povey stopped playing. "Dear, dear!" he muttered. Fan, perceiving that nobody was interested in her feats, suddenly stood still. Mrs.

The lighted windows of the Chapel-master's little room threw a square of red on the opposite roofs. They could hear the harmonium playing slowly and sadly, and when it stopped the shadow of the musician passed and repassed over the square of light with his nervous gestures, which, enlarged by the reflection, appeared the most grotesque contortions.

I could follow mass by the singing. All of a sudden Colette's voice rose above all the others. It was strong and pure. It broadened, drowned the sound of the harmonium, drowned everything else, and then seemed to fly away over the linden trees, over the house, and over the church spire itself.

And they didn't have to skip anything either, or he'd know the reason why. "He said he liked music, so a few of them clubbed together and bought him a harmonium. Their idea was that they would sing hymns and play high- class melodies, but it wasn't his. His idea was 'Keeping up the old girl's birthday' and 'She winked the other eye, with chorus and skirt dance, and that's what they sang.

The band-master, proud and fond though he might be of his own uniform, objected to his son's arriving home from business and walking about the house in a cassock. He objected equally to finding that his own musical gifts had with his son degenerated into a passion for playing Gregorian chants on a vile harmonium.

A dapper white-haired gentleman a distant Hatchard succeeded him behind the goldenrod, and began to say beautiful things about the old oaken bucket, patient white-haired mothers, and where the boys used to go nutting... and Charity began again to search for Harney.... Suddenly Mr. Royall pushed back his seat, and one of the maple branches in front of the harmonium collapsed with a crash.

See how nicely they march forward, two and two, just like the animals going into Noah's Ark. They halt in front of the harmonium 'single file' 'face about' 'toes to line! Now we are ready for prayers. Look, boys and girls, how quietly these black boys stand; now we are going to sing: 'Jesus loves me, this I know. They love the singing, and all make as much noise as possible.

The statue of the Virgin had become a mere white spot, which seemed to move amid the quiver of the atmosphere, heated by the small yellow flames. To see everything it was necessary to raise oneself; for the silver altar, the harmonium divested of its housing, the heap of bouquets flung there, and the votive offerings streaking the smoky walls were scarcely distinguishable from behind the railing.

A table loaded with eatables was pushed into a corner. The entrance of Mr. Martin, followed by a dirty, unkempt, and oddly dressed stranger, caused an abrupt cessation of the singing. The girl at the harmonium sprang up with a startled look. "What is it, Father?" she asked anxiously. "Nothing to be scart about, my girl. Neighbours, this gentleman has come all the way from London in an aeroplane."