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She might have been described as cold and a little repressive, but the truth was that she was as yet untouched by the fires of passion, and for all her twenty-one years she was still something of the healthy schoolgirl, with a schoolgirl's impatience of sentiment. "I am the last to spin a hard-luck yarn," Frank went on, "but I have not had the best of everything, dear. I started wrong with uncle.

"That nose, yeh name, an' a hard-luck spiel du not go well together. Fwhere did yu' get yu're dhrink?" The hobo was silent. "Come across," said Slavin sternly, "fwhere did ye get ut?" "I had a bottle with me when I come off th' train," said the other, "ther was a drop left in an' I had it just now."

You can get me at the hotel every night after dinner. Better use the telephone. In case you slip up or miss me, send word by Al Engle." "All right," said Henry. "And say," Goldmark actually grinned, "I hear this Curry is a soft-hearted old fellow. Why couldn't you tell him a hard-luck story and get to sleep in his tack-room nights? Then you'd be right on the ground. Try a hard-luck story on him.

There's water in the pitcher, and some, cooler, to drink, in that red jar hanging on the gallery." "Where's the bell?" asked McGuire, looking about. "Bell for what?" "Bell to ring for things. I can't see here," he exploded in a sudden, weak fury, "I never asked you to bring me here. I never held you up for a cent. I never gave you a hard-luck story till you asked me.

There's lots of hard-luck stories that you've got to hear anyhow. The fellow that can keep his to himself is the fellow that's likely to get there." "Get there?" the vicar murmured reflectively, and Selden chuckled again. "Get where he started out to go to the White House, if you like. The fellows that have got there kept their hardluck stories quiet, I bet.

It must of been a good five years before I hear from Ed again. It was another hard-luck letter. He had just worked a whole season for a contractor that blew up and left him with one span of mules in place of his summer's wages; which was a great disappointment, because he had been looking forward to an active reunion with Ben. How was Ben, anyway? And did he show the ravages of time?

Archie and it was this fact, no doubt, which accounted for his possession of such a large and varied circle of friends was always able to shelve his own troubles in order to listen to other people's hard-luck stories. "Tell me all, laddie," he said. "Release the film! Has she walked out on you?" "Left us flat! How did you hear about it? Oh, she told you, of course?"

He wasn't easy in his mind that jasper wasn't. I don't go very high on that hard-luck tale he told. I know the boy he had wolfing with him last winter, and he wasn't the kind to pull out with all the stuff he could get his hands on. He was an all-right fellow, and if there's been any rusty work done down there in the breaks, this shifty-eyed mark done it. He was lying "

One of them, she conceded, might be worth reading; and this she laid aside. Of the remaining five she correctly guessed the contents of four. Of the fifth she remarked that it would be from a poor feckless dub with a large family who had owed her three hundred dollars for nine years. She said it would tell a new hard-luck tale for non-payment of a note now due for the eighth time.

It was to have been a hard-luck tale of claims which had been stolen, and claims which had been jumped, and claims which had been given away for a few pounds of flour or slices of bacon in crises of starvation; but in the presence of the old man's eagerness, and with the shining nugget of temptation between them, he drifted unconsciously into straight talk and told him his own true story.