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"Now, now! I can't understand a word. Who are you?" "H'Allan, mistress." "You say some one is ill?" "Oh yes, he is very h'ill h'indeed, mistress h'all covered with blood and his poor 'ands h'all cut." "Who ?" "And his 'ead oh, Lard! His 'ead is cut, too, and he suffers a fever." "Mr. h'Auntony " "Anthony!" Mrs. Cortlandt started. "What has happened? Quick!"

Landladies is bad females, sar, very common." "You've been shooting craps," said Kirk, accusingly. "Crops, sar! What is crops?" "You don't know what craps is! I mean you've been gambling." "Oh, boss, I h'invest my money." "Indeed!" "Lahst Sunday nearly won I the big prize. I 'ad h'all but three numbers." "Lottery ticket, eh?" "H'eight! H'eight chawnces in all," the negro sighed.

"Oh, sar, the 'fish' number did not win, to be sure, but 'water' did." "But you didn't dream about water, it was about fish, 'vivid' fish." "I did not chance to think of the water," acknowledged Allan, "but there was the whale lying upon the h'edge of the h'ocean, h'all the time."

"Suppose those h'engine he'll h'ron, we'll get in four five h'our h'all right, on Monsieur Edouard, yass," he added. "H'I'll know those channel lak some books."

"Ah'll get tire' fraum dat teachin' read, read, read, h'all taim'. Ah'll not lak' dat so moch. Rader be out-door run aroun' paddle de CANOE go wid de boys in de woods mek' dem dance at ma MUSIQUE. A-a-ah! Dat was fon! P'raps you t'ink dat not good, hem? You t'ink Jacques one beeg fool, Ah suppose?"

He combed his fingers through his locks. "What'd that ha been worth? I'll tell you." He wagged a fat finger. "A free pardon to h'every man h'all round, a free pass back to Boulon " "And the thanks o Parlyment for what we done to the crew o the Curlew!" piped Bandy. "It's God's truth, I'm talkin!" screamed the fat man. "And there's the man what stood between you and it!"

"A bit more to the left, h'if you please, miss," the woman entreated through a mouthful of pins, and apathetically the young figure moved. "A bit of h'all right, now, that drape," the woman chirped, sitting back on her heels to survey her work. She was an odd gnome-like figure, with a sharp nose on one side of her head and an outstanding knob of hair on the other.

But the thought came to her that she had only been vouchsafed a fleeting glance at it and to gaze, as Moses did of old, upon a Promised Land she could never really enter. "It is no need for to h'ask, Monsieur Hugo," Madge heard the woman saying. "Ve do h'all ve can, sure! It ees a gladness to see de yong lady an' heem pretty face, all red vid de cole. Come by de fire, mees.

"I wuz too old ter go," he said inconsequently; "but me son's out there and won't ever come back." He crossed out the particulars he had written down so laboriously; when that was done, he fumbled his note-book back into his pocket. "If your mate 'ere says that it's h'all right, sir, it's h'all right so far as I'm consarned. Your fust day h'out of the h'Army! Well, well!"

"For Oregon? Mon Dieu! But Jeem" he spread out his hands "Jeem he's dead, we'll think. We do not known. Now we know the gold news. Maybe-so we know why Jeem he's gone!" "Gone? When?" "Las' H'august-Settemb. H'all of an' at once he'll took the trail h'after the h'emigrant train las' year. He'll caught him h'on Fort Hall; we'll heard.