United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He call tell that this yere Prince Hal ain't conquered none, both by the voylent remarks he makes as well as the plumb defiant way he wears his tail. So Hotspur stands an' ponders the play, guessin' at what's likely to break loose next. "But the conduct of this yere Prince Hal gets more an' more mysterious.

I'm just guessin' these mount'ins are so full o' bear that them ten dogs will all be massacreed within a week. Want to bet?" Langdon closed his rifle with a snap. "I only want one bear," he said, ignoring the challenge, "and I have an idea we'll get him to-morrow. You're the bear specialist of the outfit, Bruce, but I think he was too hard hit to travel far."

We got first wind of it nigh a week back, Jim an' me. We missed a bunch o' backward calves. We let 'em run this spring round-up, guessin' we'd round 'em up come the fall. Well, say, Jim went to git a look at 'em they was way back there by the foot-hills, in a low hollow an' not a blame trace or track of 'em could he locate. We just guessed they was 'stray, and started in to round 'em up.

They'll stop an' count a dozen afore gittin' too close," he muttered as he softly replaced the bar. "They'll lay mighty low an' won't bother to do much but watch the door. I 'low it'll be hard work to crawl out without they guessin' somethin's wrong." "Then let's rip up the floor and dig a hole under the logs," I suggested. "We'll do that," he quietly agreed.

"Ye'll have yer han's fule before long," he advised aloud, "or it's me that's not good at guessin'." And, lifting the front of his cap, he sympathetically blew the purple bump that served him for a nose till it rang through the crisp air like a throaty bugle.

"It wouldn't be Bridget!" cried she, laughing till every little white tooth was visible. "That's a bad shot I'm afeard ye're no hand at guessin'." "I wished it was Nanny," said Elleney earnestly; "she's the best-hearted girl in the world." "You wished it was her, do ye? Well, I'm sorry I can't gratify ye. My choice was made before I ever set eyes on e'er a one of them."

"I'm thinking that he will go to Detroit," said Henry. "That's the strongest British post in the West. The Indians get their arms and ammunition there, and most of the raids on Kentucky have been made from that point." "Looks ez likely ez anything to me," said Shif'less Sol, "but I'm guessin' that ef Timmendiquas goes to Detroit he won't stop there.

But I'll bet a thousand you were not finding it so easy to fool his boy here! Going, are you? This way, Sir." "At that, though," says I, as the door shuts after Dorsett, "he had me guessin'." "Yes," says Mr. Ballard, "he would, any of us." "And I don't see," I goes on, "as I got any fam'ly left, after all." "You you don't, eh, you young scamp?" says Mr. Ballard.

You called me lazy then, Rans Vane, and you struck me, yes you did, and don't you remember, I swore I'd get even? More, you insulted my sister by speakin' ill of her, and that chit of a gal, Miss Victory, laughed. I was mad " "You are Perry Jounce." "That's it the fust time guessin'." "And you have come to this. I knew you would never amount to anything, even if you did have a smart sister."

"It's a fight, and a lively one at that," admitted the pilot, "but I reckon you're away off when you figure it's a ruction between those on the schooner and the boys of that speedboat." "You got me guessin' partner," said the puzzled Perk; "then who's mixed up in the shindy, I want to know?" "Sounds a whole lot like hijackers to me, Perk." "Ginger pop!