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Whatever you think, you don't know any more than the rest of us. If we're guessin' on one side, you're guessin' on the other. I admit that what you say sounds reasonable; but, hang it, I like Patches. As for his name well we didn't use to go so much on names, in this country, you know. The boy may have some good reason for not talkin' about himself.

"I ain't no good at guessin' riddles," jeered Norton. "But I reckon you know if you wanted to tell." But Hollis did not tell, and the conversation shifted to other subjects. After supper they went out upon the porch. A slight breeze had sprung up with the dusk, though the sky was still cloudless.

"See this gun," he said, drawing attention to the one he held in his right hand; "it's a forty-fi', an' I'm guessin' it's loaded in two chambers." Then he scraped the snow off a small patch of the road with his foot. "That gun I lay right here," he went on, stooping to deposit it, but still keeping his eyes fixed upon the horseman.

He returned, and, awakening the others, stated what he had seen. Then he added his surmise. "It's likely that you're guessin' right," said "Deaf" Smith. "The Mexicans have spies, of course, an' they get word, too, from Europeans in these parts, who are not friendly to us. What do you say, boys, all of you?" "That Urrea is bound for the same place we are," said Obed White.

"Mammy or no mammy," answered Cronk sullenly, "Flea goes to Lem, and ye makes her a pork cake, which she can hog down at one gulp, for all I care the damn brat! I say it, and Lem says it. He'll dry her tears after she's left hum, I'm a guessin'!" Seeing the futility of arguing the question, Mrs.

The man at the stove emptied and replenished his glass, and sat handling it like one who treasures its contents. But there was a frowning discontent in his eyes. "We need to pass those bones along quick," he demurred. "We haven't done it yet." The half-breed at the counter searched the discontented face with speculative eyes. "You guessin' we can't?" There was incredulity in his tone.

We 've always let those fellows alone during the bad weather, an' they 've got so they expect it. The 'old man' figures he 'll give 'em a surprise." "A winter campaign?" "Why not? We can stand it if they can. O' course, I 'm just guessin'; there 's no leak at headquarters. But Custer 's up there," with a wave of the hand to the north, "and they 've got the maps out." "What maps?"

They'll have one hell of a burst at the saloon when the work's done, and every feller'll be guessin' he could have done the other feller's job better than he could have done it himself, and the women folk'll just say what elegant critturs their men are, till they get home sossled. Then they'll beat hell out of 'em. They'll sure be proud of it, but I don't guess the church'll be proud of them.

"Say," he observed, "I ain't had a heap to do wi' your folks, Jacob, but I'm guessin' ef you're talkin' Gospel, things don't run in your fam'ly." "Call him a hog right out, Arizona," put in Raw, lazily. "I ain't callin' Jacob no hog; et 'ud be a nasty trick on the hog," observed the ready-tongued man. "Hallo, Jacob!" cried Lew, as the laugh turned on the other man this time.

Kitt's, but just out o' sight; or perhaps we'd passed a peep of it in the night-time. Well, as you'll be guessin' the boat was pretty nigh to one o' these islands, or I shouldn' ha' heard the wash. Half a mile off it was, I dessay, an' a pretty big wash. This was caused by the current, no doubt, for the wind was nex' to nothin', an' no swell around the boat.