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He had loved her for three years in secret; but the consciousness that he was not able to support a wife had hindered him from devoting himself to her. He knew that she, or rather her father, had considerable property; but Gorham was not willing to take this into consideration; he would never offer himself until his own income was sufficient for both their needs.

The mercury became a gas and was driven off from the gold and silver, then caught in a vessel cool enough to condense it, just as a cold plate held in steam will collect drops of water. Sometimes the ore was mixed with copper and lead. In that case common salt and copper sulphate were used. Some ore had to be roasted in a furnace in order to drive off the sulphur. Courtesy The Gorham Co.

Riley wavered between his relief and his sense of duty to acquaint his son with the proper usage of the articles in question. Discretion finally prevailed, and he went up-stairs to impress Mr. Gorham with the importance of Jimmie's errand. James Riley had acted upon a sudden impulse in making his call upon Mr. Gorham.

"I do not choose to have even you make light of so serious a subject. Let us have no more of it." Covington retreated behind the inexpressive barrier of his superbly controlled features, but the coldness of his eyes showed his resentment. "As you wish, Mr. Gorham," he replied, as they separated, and he directed his steps toward the hotel.

"Maggie'll be just as good as Mae Gorham," put in Barney. "We'll let that pass," said Old Jimmie. "The main thing, Larry, is that everything is ready. It's a whale of a business proposition. We've been waiting for you; you're all that's lacking the brainy guy to sit behind the scenes and manage the thing. You've handled the bunch for a long time, and they want you to handle this.

He had always thought of Alice's step-mother, when he had thought of her at all, as of a type entirely different from this slender, attractive woman only a few years older than Alice herself. There was a self-possession about Mrs. Gorham, a quiet dignity, which made the difference in their ages seem greater than it really was; yet, had he not known, Allen would have thought them sisters.

"I have never made the comparative analysis which would be required to answer your question," Gorham replied; "but I do say without fear of contradiction that no organization ever gave back to the people so large a percentage of its earnings. It may interest Senator Hunt if I outline the principles upon which the Consolidated Companies was conceived." Gorham's voice was a strong asset.

Gorham's, and he is naturally in closer touch." "Do you object to talking things over with me a little?" Harris asked. "There may be some points that I know more about than Mr. Gorham." Covington nodded acquiescence, though somewhat in the dark as to the object his visitor had in mind.

Gorham glanced around to see if any one else was disposed to add to what Litchfield had said, but the silence which prevailed indicated more clearly than words that the speaker had expressed the consensus of opinion. "I am waiting for some one to remind Mr. Litchfield that he has overlooked, in his statement, a fact which possesses vital significance," Gorham said at length.

The Enfield boys have come over, and, as all the Hampshire county folks know, they are tough fellers to beat. Gorham Polly keeps tally, because he has got the newest jack-knife, oh, how slick it whittles the old broom-handle Gorham picked up in Packard's store an' brought along jest to keep tally on! It is a great game of ball; the bats are broad and light, and the ball is small and soft.