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While he was thus engaged, there came towards him, with noise of shouts and singing, some fellows full of drink, followed by others, who were remonstrating with them and urging them to go home in quiet. They were in high good-humour; and one of them, a little, weazen, hump-backed man, began to dance. He was a grotesque, fantastic figure, and the few bystanders laughed.

But though Dick had talked himself back into his usual good-humour, Matcham had forgiven him nothing. His violence, the recollection of the forester whom he had slain above all, the vision of the upraised belt, were things not easily to be forgotten. "I will thank you, for the form's sake," said Matcham. "But, in sooth, good Master Shelton, I had liever find my way alone.

Down in their valley, until the "residents" began to flock in, the old style of thinking lingered on; in the little cottages the people, from earliest infancy, were accustomed to hear all things persons and manners, houses and gardens, and the day's work appraised by an ancient standard of the countryside; and consequently it happens that this evening while I am writing, out there on the slopes of the valley the men and women, and the very children whose voices I can just hear, are living by an outlook in which the values are different from those of easy-going people, and in which, especially, hardships have never been met by peevishness, but have been beaten by good-humour.

We were all too weak to try and save him. And less than an hour afterwards God's rain came, as my father had said it would come just before he died." Atkins, with a last mighty snore, awoke, sat up, and filled his pipe again. "What, awake, miss!" he said with rough good-humour to Tessa. "How goes it, Mr. Carr?" "Bully, old man.

Jill, in charge of the reins, was as happy as a queen, and quite captivated by her father's cheerful good-humour. "I wonder what makes you so jolly," she said, as they spanked along the country lanes to Yeld, "dear, dear old daddy? I shall always drive you now, for you see I can manage the pony, can't I? Mr Armstrong taught me. He says I shall make a first-rate whip.

Lightmark grew a little pale, biting his lip, and frowning for a moment, before he assumed a desperate mask of good-humour. "Hang it, man!" he answered quickly, "be reasonable! Haven't you forgiven me yet? Though what you have to forgive I only want to congratulate you, to tell you that I admire your work immensely." "I don't want your congratulations," interrupted the other hoarsely.

Somers made her appearance late at breakfast, there was the same forced good-humour in her countenance towards the company in general, and the same punctilious politeness towards Emilie, which had before appeared.

Even in the worst of his political difficulties and he had some pretty hard trials in this way he had the power of throwing off public cares for the time, and in his house retained his cheerfulness and good-humour.... In matters of business he was an easy master to serve, and the duties of his private secretary were light as compared to others in the same position.

"I wonder because she has so little to make her contented, and so much to ruin her good-humour and cheerfulness, and to stop her fun. Her life is a hard one. She has few relations to care for her. She is very old, and must soon grow feeble, and then " "And then?" said Rooney, as the other paused.

But people who go voluntarily to law, or are taken forcibly there, for the first time, may be allowed to labour under some temporary irritation and anxiety; and Sam, with a due allowance for the frailties of human nature, obeyed all his master's behests with that imperturbable good-humour and unruffable composure which formed one of his most striking and amiable characteristics.