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The change of position brought the top of his head very close to the snake. But he trusted to Slade's avarice to see that he escaped the fangs. Slade and the Indians had been gloating upon the struggles and terror of their victim. At Lennon's quieting down the trader burst into a derisive laugh. "Sort of wilted a'ready, huh?" he jeered. "Well, you're wise to take a rest while you still got time.

When the car stopped before her cottage, she forgot her manners as hostess, she forgot the baggage, and the driver, and even sister Connie. She just grabbed Julia in her arms and rushed into the cottage, back through the kitchen to the sleeping porch in the rear, and stood gloating over her husband. "Look, look, look," she chanted. "It is Julia, she is ours, she is here."

Betty and the three boys had departed to bed; Mollie still sat gloating over her novel, with a forefinger thrust into either ear to shut out the sound of the disturbing discussion on moods and tenses. Trix collected her books with a sigh, and prepared to go upstairs in her turn. She looked white and tired, and the freckles on her nose seemed darker and more conspicuous than ever.

"When I was a kiddie we had pretty hard times, and the best Christmas I remember was one when mother made us boys put up a shelf for our books, and she started our collection with 'Treasure Island' and 'Huckleberry Finn." In the adjoining room, volumes reached from floor to ceiling, from end to end. Petronella had a vision of this vivid young giant gloating over his two books on a rude shelf.

He was gloating over a small picture, its frame tilted back on the upright of his easel. It was the Monet! "Did he loan it to you, old man?" Sam inquired. "Loan it to me, you quill-driver! No, I bought it!" "For how much?" "Full price six hundred dollars. Do you suppose I'd insult Monet by dickering for it?" "What have you got to pay it with?" This came in a hopeless tone. "Not a cent!

His eye was fearless and steady, but it was also artful and audacious, glaring upon the beholder with an unpleasant fixedness and brilliancy, like that of a ravenous animal gloating on its prey.

An' what in the devil are you doin' here? An' what business have those trucks got on my tote-road?" Orcutt laughed, a nasty, gloating laugh, as he rubbed his hands together after the manner of one performing an ablution. "It means, John," he answered, in a voice of oily softness, "that at last I have caught you napping.

She felt vaguely that this was the element of purely personal vanity which degrades a triumph, and the weakness of delight and gloating in the faces of her relatives irritated her. It was a sort of unveiling of love, and the girl was sensitive enough to understand it. "Oh, mother, I don't want to have us all go through the street with all these flowers, and me in my white dress," she had said.

But few in the South realized the importance of supplying the North with correct information about actual conditions. The letters and reports, they thought, humiliated them; inquiry was felt to be prying and gloating. "Correspondents have added a new pang to surrender," it was said. The South was proud and refused to be catechized.

'Who's in that Kaskaskia? he asked, stepping up close to the man with the torch. "'The ol' man, said the engineer. "'No! ol' man, eh? Well! I'll give him a canter for his currency this trip, said Yank, gloating. 'I'll follow him like a scandal; I'll stay with him this night like the odor of a hot box.