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And you've lost me a fortune by your selfish behavior." "I don't think we need talk of selfishness when you are present, Garvington." "Why not? By marrying Agnes you have made her give up the money." "She wished to give it up to punish you," said Lambert rebukingly. "To punish me!" Garvington's gooseberry eyes nearly fell out of his head. "And what have I done?"

It was the second shot, which came from the shrubbery marked on the plan placed before the Coroner and jury which had laid the fugitive low. Also various guests and servants stated that they had arrived in the passage in answer to Lord Garvington's outcries, to find that he had closed the door pending their coming. Some had even heard the second shot while descending the stairs.

It was terrible to think that the old woman and Garvington were burning in that furnace, and desperately anxious to save at least one of the two, Lambert tried to enter the door. But the heat of the fire drove him back, and the flames seemed to roar at his discomfiture. He could do nothing but stand helplessly and gaze upon what was plainly Garvington's funeral pyre.

I expostulated with him for being so near the house where his brother-in-law and wife were living, as I pointed out that the truth might easily become known. But Pine merely said that his safety in keeping his secret lay in his daring to run the risk." "Have you any idea that Sir Hubert intended to come by night to Lord Garvington's house?" "Not the slightest.

He taught her to eat nuts, and eschew meats, talking meanwhile of the psychic powers which such abstemiousness would develop in her. Besides, he flirted quite nicely. Agnes, pleased to see her sister-in-law enjoying life, gave her attention to Garvington's affairs, and found them in a woeful mess.

Perhaps the gradually diminishing Romany clans found it better to band together for mutual benefit than to remain isolated units. But the camp certainly contained many elements, and these, acting co-operatively, formed a large and somewhat reckless community, which justified Garvington's alarm.

"I used it," admitted Garvington readily enough. "And winged Pine." "Exactly. But I gave you a brace of revolvers of the same make. The bullet which would fit one as it does would fit the other. I see there is only one in the case. Where is the other?" Garvington's color changed and he shuffled with his feet. "I lent it to Silver," he said in a low voice, and reluctantly.

"Oh, I know what she says and what she wishes. She would like to get Noel into trouble with Sir Hubert over Agnes, simply because he will not marry her. As to her chatter about burglars " "Garvington's chatter," corrected her companion. "Well, then, Garvington's. It's all rubbish. Agnes is a sweet girl, and " "Girl?" Lady Garvington laughed disdainfully. "She is twenty-five." "A mere baby.

Your infernal hot-house civilization has killed me. But if Lambert thinks to marry my widow he shall do so in the face of Garvington's opposition, and will find Agnes a pauper." "What do you mean exactly?" Miss Greeby flung away the stump of her cigarette and rose to her feet. Pine wiped his brow and breathed heavily.

Of course, Lady Agnes heard nothing of this ill-natured chatter, since she did not go into society during her period of mourning, and received only a few of her most intimate friends. Moreover, besides attending to Garvington's affairs, it was necessary that she should have frequent consultations with Mr.