United States or El Salvador ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Very well for the Rue Saint-Denis, but for the Rue Saint-Honore fy! bad style! Our shop must be as comfortable as a drawing-room. Tell me, are we the only perfumers who have reached public honors? Are there not vinegar merchants and mustard men who command in the National Guard and are very well received at the Palace?

"The horse! the horse!" bellow a hundred more, as though their yells would aid his speed, as Polly Hopkins, O, Fy! and Talleyrand rush neck-and-neck along the cords and pass the judge's box. A cry of "dead heat!" is heard. The bystanders see as suits their books, and immediately rush to the judge's box, betting, bellowing, roaring, and yelling the whole way.

Spinning, the mystic characters united to form the words: "Kiss me quick." Her companions tittered. "If ma didn't know for certain 'twas meant for your brother John, she'd never 'ave let you make it," said the second blonde, whose name was Jinny. "Girls, what a lark it 'ud be to send it up to Purdy Smith, by Ned!" said the first speaker. Polly blushed. "Fy, Tilly! That wouldn't be ladylike."

The legislation which I will be submitting to you for FY 82 provides the authority and the funds to carry on this activity.

Attend these Captives, at a respectful distance. Guil. What wou'd the Great Sultana? Isa. Ah! do not pierce my Heart with this unkindness. Guil. Isa. Ah, cruel Count! Guil. Meaning me, Lady! ah, fy! no, I am a Scoundrel; I a Count, no, not I, a Dog, a very Chim hum, a Son of a Whore, I, not worthy your notice. Isa. Oh, Heavens! must I lose you then? no, I'll die first. Guil.

"Fy, sir," answered Murphy; "you know I hate all this; but, if the lady will trust me with her cause, I will do the best in my power. Come, madam, do not be discouraged; a bit of manslaughter and cold iron, I hope, will be the worst: or perhaps we may come off better with a slice of chance-medley, or se defendendo" "I am very ignorant of the law, sir," cries the lady.

the real increase in FY 1980 defense spending is well above 3 percent and I expect FY 1981 defense spending to be even higher; looking ahead, the defense program I am proposing is premised on a real increase in defense spending over the next five years of 20 percent or more;

"Never mind him, boy; do you suppose he would have the heart to make love to such a splendid creature as Miss Warren: fy, Julian, for a faint heart: Charles is well enough as a Sabbath-school teacher, but I hope he will not bear away the palm of a ladye-love from my fine high-spirited Julian." Poor Mrs. Tracy was as flighty and romantic at forty-five as she had been at fifteen.

I tell you, friend, nothing good comes of those Spaniards. All these outlandish fellows are little better than rogues. NEUMANN. Fy, fy! you should not say so, friend. There are among them our very best generals, and those on whom the duke at this moment relies the most. My son, it will be broken to pieces in your pocket. The lieutenant-general stands up. Be on the watch. Now! They break up.

Booth's doubts were first satisfied by Amelia, from which he received great pleasure; for he really had a very great affection and fondness for Mr. Atkinson, who, indeed, so well deserved it. "Well, my dear," said he to Amelia, smiling, "shall we accept this generous offer?" "O fy! no, certainly," answered she.