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He didn't want to meet the Vicar and have the door shut in his face. Rowcliffe, informed by Mrs. Blenkiron, was aware, long before Gwenda had warned him, that he ran this risk. The Vicar's funniness was a byword in the parish. But he left the door ajar. "Well," he said gently, "what is it?" "Shall you be seeing Jim Greatorex soon?" "I might. Why?"

Flinging down the bundle near the heap Trenton had already collected, the young woman burst into a laugh. "Do you see anything particularly funny in the situation?" asked Trenton, with chattering teeth. "I confess I do not." "The funniness of the situation is that we should gather wood, when, if there is a match in your pocket, it must be so wet as to be useless." "Oh, not at all.

"I think they do," agreed Christopher; "but nobody except you would ever have thought of saying it. You have a knack of saying what everybody else is thinking; and that is what makes you so amusing." "I'm glad you think I'm amusing; but I can't see much funniness in just saying what is true."

The whole thing sounded like an opinion uttered by a cautious person mindful of actions for slander. I didn't inquire as to the nature of that funniness. There was really no time. But at the very last he volunteered a warning. "Whatever you do keep to the east side of it. The west side is dangerous at this time of the year. Don't let anything tempt you over. You'll find nothing but trouble there."

"I suppose I am; but I'm not as funny as I should be if I tried to BE somebody else. No, Uncle Shad, you'll just have to bear with me as I am, funniness and all." A few days after this Keith, senior, came into the store.

I wanted to get you mad! I get a little tired and I try to make myself funny." "There wasn't no funniness in the way your eyes looked when you " "I tell you I didn't mean one word. No matter what uneasiness that child has brought me, always he has given me more in happiness. Twice more. That's what he's been. Twice of everything to make up for for only being half of my twins."

And for the weekly Punch; so gemütlich and bien pensant and, often, very, very funny, with a funniness that the Continental papers never give one; their jests are never the jests of the bien pensant. It is the acrid atmosphere of the café they bring, not that of the dinner party, or, better still, for Punch, the picnic. The reviews, too, are very interesting. Mrs.

This multitude see the comic side of a thousand low-grade and trivial things broad incongruities, mainly; grotesqueries, absurdities, evokers of the horse-laugh. The ten thousand high-grade comicalities which exist in the world are sealed from their dull vision. Will a day come when the race will detect the funniness of these juvenilities and laugh at them and by laughing at them destroy them?

Now, you remember last night I offered you the managership of the mine. I thought, certainly, that by this time to-day I should be owner of it, or, at least, one of the owners. Now, you don't appear to appreciate the funniness of the situation. Here you are the owner of the mine, and I am out in the cold "left," as they say here in America. I am the man who is left

"Do people always sigh like that when they get to be sixteen?" asked Jimmy curiously. "You didn't sigh like that when you were only fifteen, Theodora. I wish you wouldn't. It makes me feel funny and it's not a nice kind of funniness either." "It's a bad habit I've got into lately," said Theodora, trying to laugh. "Old folks are dull sometimes, you know, Jimmy-boy."