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I saw the piano given by the King when he was Prince of Wales; the fine collection of coins and early Roman remains found in the neighbourhood of the monastery; I dropped a louis into the box of offerings in the chapel, and then was taken by a mild-eyed, frail-looking monk to see some of the rooms allotted to guests at the Hospice.

They were gathered in one of the parlours of a women's college, and their serious young faces had, habitually, none of the childlike responsiveness of the Italian populace; they were suggestive, rather, of a daily experience which precluded over-much surprise or curiosity about anything. In the midst of the group stood a frail-looking woman with bright eyes.

"This, of course, was only a part of what went on, but the crowd had gotten into a good humor and was joking, and I had fallen into the same spirit. The first person I looked for when I entered the car was, of course, the sick woman. I soon picked her out: a sweet, frail-looking lady, with that fatal, transparent hue of skin and fine complexion.

Part of the cliff had slid off into the river and the breach thus made in the road had been repaired by means of a frail-looking rustic bridge built on a bracket composed of rough logs, branches, and reeds, tied together and surmounted by a few inches of earth and pebbles to make it seem sufficiently safe to the cautious cargo mules who picked their way gingerly across it.

O'Leary, jumping forward after von Schlichten, stuck his dagger into the neck of a rioter and left it there, then caught the girl around the waist with his free arm. M'zangwe dropped his mace and swung the frail-looking man onto his back. Together, they struggled back to the command-car, von Schlichten covering the retreat with his pistol.

"One dollar: four shilling," said the lad, in broken English. "There's your money!" cried Hyde, throwing it down, "and a 'bob' for yourself. Stop!" he added. "Who and what are you? I have seen you before." The lad, a mere boy, frail-looking and slightly built, but with a handsome, rather effeminate-looking face, tried to slink away. "What's your name?" went on Hyde. "Pongo," replied the boy.

A little, frail-looking, pale-faced, elderly gentleman was at my elbow. He smiled at me with the smile of an angel, and my heart went out to him at once, so much so that I could have hugged him in my arms. "My name is William Auld," he continued. "I am the medical missionary. What is yours, my son?" He held out his hand to me. "George Bremner," I replied, gripping his. "Let me bring you a chair."

If we should both live to welcome him back " "Oh, we must, Uncle Win." "If he has you " Oh, what was he saying? "You will both have me. I shall stay here always." He stooped and kissed her. The other alternative, that Cary might not return, they banished resolutely. But it drew them nearer together in unspoken sympathy. Everybody noted how thin and frail-looking Mr. Adams had grown.

A strong, frank, sonorous voice came from this frail-looking boy and, at the first words, quickly changed the opinion which had been formed of him. He spoke loud in a declamatory manner, but so distinctly that every word could be understood in the farthest corners of the big hall: "Your honor, as I do not wish to go to an insane asylum, and as I even prefer death to that, I will tell everything.

The whole house this time burst out into hurrahs. A current of sympathy was established between the public and myself. Instead of the hysterical skeleton that had been announced to them, they had before them a very frail-looking creature with a sweet voice. The fourth act was applauded, and Adrienne's rebellion against the Princesse de Bouillon stirred the whole house.