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That can't be wrong, can it?" "Oh, dearest! If I only had it here! But it's gone to Paris to be made over for next winter, and Worth hasn't sent it back." "Oh, well " said Archer, getting up. "Look here the fog's lifting. If we made a dash for the National Gallery we might manage to catch a glimpse of the pictures."

There was a short railroad in operation from Vicksburg to the bridge across the Big Black, whence supplies in abundance were hauled to our respective camps. With a knowledge of this fact Mrs. Sherman came down from Ohio with Minnie, Lizzie, Willie, and Tom, to pay us a visit in our camp at Parson Fog's.

If I'd been the old man I'd ha' turned loose the quick-firers at the first go-off. Aren't they rowing Navy-stroke, yonder?" "True," said Pyecroft, listening to retreating oars. "It's time to go 'ome when snotties begin to think. The fog's thinnin', too."

'That's Borkum light, said Davies, presently; 'the fog's lifting. A keen wind from the west struck our faces, and as swiftly as it had come the fog rolled away from us, in one mighty mass, stripping clean and pure the starry dome of heaven, still bright with the western after-glow, and beginning to redden in the east to the rising moon.

"O, we can take care of ourselves, captain," said Bart "No, you can't not you. I wouldn't trust one of you. I'm getting to be a feeble creetur too, so don't go away agin." "Well, I don't think we'll have a chance in Quaco. Arn't we going to leave to-night?" "Wal, that thar is jest the pint that I've been moosin on. You see it's thick; the fog's as bad as ever. What's the use of going out to-night?

Thin mist drifted about the trees and trailed across the road. There was some open ground in front of the building, but behind this the forest loomed in a blurred, shadowy mass. "I reckon I saw something move where the fog's on the road," the man remarked. Kit saw nothing.

It was not in their way, so they hurried on and rejoined the frog, which said to them, "I'm sorry, but I'm due at the King's Court in a few minutes, and I can't wait for your short, weak legs to make the journey to the Pink Country. But if you will climb upon my back, I think I can carry you to the border in one more leap." "I'm tired," said Trot, "an' this awful fog's beginnin' to choke me.

To come upon the mackerel fleet suddenly, perhaps with the lifting of the fog's gray curtain, or just as the faint dawn above the tossing horizon line to the east began to drive away the dark, was a sight to stir the blood of a lad born to the sea. Sometimes nearly a thousand vessels would be huddled together in a space hardly more than a mile square.

There was something in the manner of the Princess, after receiving the salute, which impelled me, spite of myself, to ask who the lady was. "Madame de Genlis," exclaimed Her Highness, with a shudder of disgust, "that lamb's face with a wolf's heart, and a fog's cunning."

The younger man watched him warily. 'I have been showing Jarvis all my dresses, father, and he thinks them beautiful. 'They certainly are remarkable, observed Waring, coolly. Old Fog's hands dropped, he glanced nervously towards the visitor. 'What have you brought for me to-night, father dear? 'Nothing, child; that is, nothing of any consequence. But it is growing late; run off to your nest'