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Said he hadn't made up his mind, but felt the people should be given a chance to express themselves on it." Upon Farnum's face rested a momentary gravity. "I can't make James out lately. He's lost his enthusiasm. Half the time he's irritable and moody. I think perhaps he's been blaming himself too much for Hardy's defeat." Rawson laughed with cynical incredulity. "That's it, is it?"

She heard the clerk going his rounds; he stopped at Mrs. Farnum's door to leave something, and then came on toward her door. Her heart stood still as he approached. He passed by there was nothing for her, and her heart was almost broken. She sent the nurse down to the office to ask if there was not some mistake if Mrs. Heath's mail had not been overlooked. "No, there are no letters for <i>Mrs.

The girl went away greatly annoyed by the Chief's reluctance to act in the matter, but when she had related the interview to Gran'pa, the old colonel said: "I like Farnum's attitude, which I believe to be as just as it is conservative. Suspicion, based on personal dislike, should not be tolerated.

Farnum's unopened desk when the man and the boy entered. Mr. Melville and a man Jack soon learned was a lawyer were sitting facing him. Mr. Partridge rose and gave his chair to Mr. Pollard. "Mr. Melville insisted on seeing me, Mr. Pollard, and I thought best to send for you," said the superintendent. Without greeting the financier snapped out: "Where is Farnum, Pollard?"

"Confound that ignoramus of a boy!" muttered Mr. Mayhew, walking slowly forward. It was no pleasant situation for the lieutenant commander. Having run his vessel ashore, he knew himself likely to be facing a naval board of inquiry. Hal, finding that the shore boat was not wanted for the present, had rowed over to the "Farnum's" moorings. Now Jacob Farnum came alongside in the shore boat.

He was to have met me here later." "Then I presume he'll be here when he said he would." The eyes of the lawyer were cold and hard as jade. "You can tell him it won't be necessary for me to see him. I've made other arrangements," Killen said uneasily. "You mean that you repudiate your agreement with him. Is that it?" Farnum's voice was like a whiplash. "I've decided to support Frome. Fact is "

Farnum's astonishment to be wondered at, for he had just caught sight of Jack Benson's head, above the water at the point where the submarine had gone down. And now, Captain Jack, after blowing out a mouthful of water, had started to swim ashore with long, easy strokes. Not quite catching the great significance of it all, the Melvilles and the lawyer hurried after the builder.

"Yes, sir," continued the cowpuncher; "I scored on Mr. Morse two or three nights ago, when I played hell with one of his sheep camps, and to-day I finish up with him. His sheep have been watched for weeks, and at the first move it's all up with him and them. Farnum's vaqueros will pay my debt in full.

"Yes," signaled back the "Farnum's" flags. "Dive at will, but keep to a due east or west course. Be careful to avoid collision with the sister craft," came the next order from the parent boat. "All below!" ordered Benson, crisply. Ensign Trahern waited until the last of the cadets had filed below, then followed them.

How he avoided landing on his head and sustaining a broken neck or shattered skull was one of those miraculous things that no one can explain. The chauffeur had plunged out over Farnum's head, alighting beyond the shipbuilder. The chauffeur now lay writhing and groaning. David Pollard landed first, on one wrist and his chest, a cry of anguish escaping him. Eph Somers lay in the road motionless.