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I see by your look that you wish to know my history. I shall not tell it you. It contains nothing that is remarkable. See, I have smoked out your cigar; you may give me another, and add a dollar if you please, nous sommes creves ici de faim. I would not say as much to a Spaniard, but I have a respect for your countrymen; I know much of them; I have met them at Maida and the other place."

Si je dois vivre de pommes-de-terre, ou meme mourir de faim, tu me verras toujours devoue jusqu'a la mort. Celles-ci ne sont pas de vaines paroles; je suis pret a les soutenir dans une pauvre cabane ou sur le lit d'un hopital." "Lundi.

"My dear," she wrote to her friend, "one thing you learn from a Catholic Lent is that food matters 'nowt at aw, as they would say in these parts. You can do just as well without it as with it. Why you should think yourself a saint for not eating it puzzles me. Otherwise vive la faim!

Je faisois . . . mais ce n'importe; je me trouve ici, ou je creve de faim." "I am sorry to see a brave man in such a distressed condition," said I; "have you nothing to subsist upon beyond the prison allowance? Have you no friends?" "Friends in this country, you mock me; here one has no friends, unless one buy them.

"Enfin, elle sait," said he, half dissatisfied, "and one cannot be fastidious or exacting under the circumstances." Then he added, "You may yet have twenty minutes for preparation: au revoir!" And he was going. "Monsieur," I called out, taking courage. "Eh bien! Qu'est-ce que c'est, Mademoiselle?" "J'ai bien faim." "Comment, vous avez faim! Et la collation?" "I know nothing about it.

Now it was the voice of a laughing young mother: "Si tu as faim Manges ta main Et gardes l'autre pour demain; Et ta tete Pour le jour de fete; Et ton gros ortee Pour le Jour Saint Norbe" And again: "Let us pluck the bill of the lark, The lark from head to tail " He knew the voice. It was that of a young wife of the parish of St.

Qui donne le menu, donne la faim! And right here let me say, I am not of those who believe the past holds a monopoly of all good things. I have much satisfaction in the present, and a strong and an abiding faith in the future, and even in this matter of dress, which has become such an anxiety to the young actress, I would not ask to go back to those days of primitive costuming.

Some insistent ones pounded on the door of a restaurant far in the distance. "Dites donc, patron! Nous avons faim, nom de Dieu! Est-ce-que tout le monde est mort ici?" "Only a host of phantom listeners, That dwelt in the lone house then, Stood listening in the quiet of the moonlight To that voice from the world of men." It was that kind of silence, profound, tense, ghostlike.

"Received payment, 13.31 J. D., S. C. D. Per Charles E. Kanapeaux, Clerk." Thus ended the scene. The little darkie might have said when he was in jail, "Je meurs de faim, et l'on ne mapport‚ rien;" and when he left, "Il est faufite avec les chevaliers d'industrie." WE must now return to Manuel. He was in close confinement, through Mr. Grimshaw's orders.

"La faim, les créanciers, les soldats, la corvée, Lui font d'un malheureux la peinture achevée." You see that your soldiers of 1858 are angels in comparison with our soudards of the monarchy.