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Updated: November 23, 2024
Bluffs was about 30 feet above the water and in 2 vanes from 4 to 8 feet thick, in a horozontal position. the Coal Contained in the Lard Bluffs is in Several vaines of different hights and thickness. this Coal or Carbonated wood is like that of the Missouri of an inferior quallity. passed a large Creek on the Stard.
The second class includes the smaller and less important literary, philosophical, and social salons—those of Mme. de Marchais, Mme. de Persan, Mme. de Villars, Mme. de Vaines, and of D'Alembert, D'Holbach, Helvétius.
"Dat ole Mamie mighty vain, yessuh!" He suffered a very quiet chuckle to escape him. "She did most sutney 'sist dat I ax you ain't you like dem biscuit. She de ve'y vaines' woman in dis State, dat ole Mamie, yessuh!" And now he cast one quick glance out of the corner of his eye at Miss Betty, before venturing a louder chuckle.
Si je dois vivre de pommes-de-terre, ou meme mourir de faim, tu me verras toujours devoue jusqu'a la mort. Celles-ci ne sont pas de vaines paroles; je suis pret a les soutenir dans une pauvre cabane ou sur le lit d'un hopital." "Lundi.
"Orpheline, c'est la le nom dont tu t'appelles, Oiseau ne dans un nid que la foudre a brise; De la couvee, helas! seuls, trois petits, sans ailes Furent lances au vent, loin du reste ecrase. "Et, semes par l'eclair sur les monts, dans les plaines, Un meme toit encor n'a pu les abriter, Et du foyer natal, malgre leurs plaintes vaines Dieu, peut-etre longtemps, voudra les ecarter.
When we came on land the dogges came presently to our boat very gently, yet we thought they came to pray vpon vs, and therefore we shot at them, and killed two: and about the necke of one of them we found a leatherne coller, whereupon we thought them to be tame dogs. The coast was very barren without wood or grasse: the rocks were very faire like marble, full of vaines of divers colours.
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