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It is not every-body who would be so attentive to you. Just look at your hair. Why can't you dress like other girls?" "Because I am not made like other girls," replied Catrina and who knows what bitterness of reproach there was in such an answer from daughter to mother? "Hush, child," replied the countess, whose anger usually took the form of personal abuse. "You are as the good God made you."

"Fans and fan-esses," he said, addressing the crowd through the megaphone, "why don't you root? Make a noise like you meant it. The Torontos have simply gotter win this game; they need it, but you gotter help 'em. Now then, every-body ROOT," and "root" they did, arduously, continuously, joyously. The din was terrific, ear-splitting, and weird.

They were glad to get these to eat. At last they set a day for every-body to fast and pray for food. The gov-ern-or had a little flour left. Nearly all of this was made into bread, and put into the oven to bake. He did not know when he would get any more. Soon after this a poor man came along. His flour was all gone. His bread had all been eaten up. His family were hungry.

"All that I have," cried Branduv, "and all that every-body has." "And you must pass your word and pledge your word that you will do what I ask." "I pass it and pledge it," cried the joyful king. "Then," said Duv Laca, "this is what I bind on you." "Light the yolk!" he cried. "Until one year is up and out you are not to pass the night in any house that I am in." "By my head and hand!"

It pleased every-body, four coming cheaper than three, and Bill being that good-tempered that 'e'd put up with anything, and when any of the three quarrelled he used to act the part of peacemaker. The only thing about 'im that they didn't like was that 'e was a teetotaler.

I don't urge you to buy 'em. I'm just giving you a chance to get in on the ground floor. And if you don't want to come in to-day, maybe you will to-morrow. Anyway, have a button. Wear it! Tell your friends about Gopher. Here you are! Every-body have a button!" With that he scatters handful after handful broadcast into the crowd, which catches 'em eager.

He and his brother had both participated in the revolution which made Carranza president. His description of which affair was utterly delightful. "Every-body run a-round with guns" Mexique said. "And bye-and-bye no see to shoot everybody, so everybody go home." We asked if he had shot anybody himself. "Sure. I shoot everybody I do'no" Mexique answered laughing.

But there is no time now " She turned hastily, and threw herself down before a crucifix. After a long time she went out to the vestibule, where she found Frances, and said, with an effort to be cheerful and matter-of-fact, "Come, now, let us talk like reasonable people. A thing is coming to me which comes to every-body. I'm not one to whine.

"I t'ink every-body no hit me" he added, regarding his stocky person with great and quiet amusement. When we asked him once what he thought about the war, he replied, "I t'ink lotta bull ," which, upon copious reflection, I decided absolutely expressed my own point of view. Mexique was generous, incapable of either stupidity or despondency, and mannered as a gentleman is supposed to be.

"Come in, and make yourselves at 'ome," ses Mr. White. "I'm glad to see you both. Emma 'as told me all about you." Charlie's 'art went down into 'is boots, but every-body was so busy drawing their chairs up to the table that they didn't notice 'ow pale he 'ad gone. He sat between Mr. White and Mrs.