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"See, he looks! He sees!" gasped Grace, her voice not so blue or drab in tone as might have been expected. The boy had lowered his umbrella, and touched his cap to the girls. He even smiled. "Is it possible? At last!" Grace continued to elocute. "Now just watch me bring him to my feet." She seized the arm of Louise and led her to the corner where the boy, as ever, was trying to devour his book.

The twins both began to chuckle and Teddy had some difficulty in going on with his story. But it seemed they had been at the Derby place the evening before and Timothy had been "boring everybody to distraction," Ted said, reading "Excelsior" to the family. "And believe me!" interjected Tommy Tucker, "that kid can elocute." "And he's always been at it," hurried on his twin, giggling.

"Let somebody roast the men once, will you? I'm the little Jane that knows, believe me. All this talk about the girls going to hell makes me sick. We may be going and going in limousines but it's the men who're stepping on the gas." "Floss, I love to hear you elocute," drawled Helen. "Go to it! For God's sake, roast the men." "You always have to horn in," retorted Floss.

"But if he would rather hear Kate elocute about it than to lie and listen to the real thing, he's nothing more or less than a nature pirate." She curled herself down among the cushions and stared up through the slender willow branches into the top of an alder that leaned over the bank and dangled its finger-tip branches playfully toward her. "You pretty thing!" she cooed to it.

The writing was all over the plate like a biled dinner, and the English looked like it had been shook up in a bag, but it was signed with a nine fathom, toggle-jinted name that would give a pollparrot the lockjaw, and had the word "Count" on the bow of it. You never see a feller happier than Peter T. Brown. "Can he have rooms?" says Peter. "CAN he? Well, I should rise to elocute!

Jest listen to this. I ain't much on the elocute, but I'm goin' ter do my best." We listened patiently as she declaimed half a page of wretched prose. Her voice rose and fell in a sing-song cadence, but certain modulations of tone lent charm to the absurd words. When she finished her eyes were full of tears. "That is very nice indeed," said Ajax softly. "I should like to buy your book."

I don't know but what you can elocute just as good as Ella Stowbody," she banged the book and suggested that they were not too late for the nine o'clock show at the movies. That was her last effort to harvest the April wind, to teach divine unhappiness by a correspondence course, to buy the lilies of Avalon and the sunsets of Cockaigne in tin cans at Ole Jenson's Grocery.

Encouraged by the success of beautiful but self-made actresses, and hoping to win a place for himself and his portrait in the great soap and cigarette galaxy, Mr. O'Connor placed himself in the hands of some misguided elocutionist, and then sought to educate the people of New York and elocute them out of their thralldom up into the glorious light of the O'Connor school of acting.

She took an immediate interest in me, and proved it at once by putting me into the speaking and debating classes, where I was given every opportunity to hold forth to helpless classmates when the spirit of eloquence moved me. As an aid to public speaking I was taught to "elocute," and I remember in every mournful detail the occasion on which I gave my first recitation.

You may teach him to fence, and to dance, and to elocute till he is black in the face; you will never teach him to play "Othello" unless he is an actor. That fencing, dancing, and elocution are useful to the actor I do not deny. But if he is an actor he will pick these things up for himself easily enough under existing circumstances.