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I couldna hear their words, but there was a moment when I thocht they were to grapple. Lads, the memory o' that'll hing about deathbed. There was twa men, edicated to the highest pitch, ane a lord and the other a minister, and the flood was taking awa a mouthful o' their footing ilka minute, and the jaws o' destruction was gaping for them, and yet they were near fechting.

Ear-marks were cut out and altered in shape, or else the whole ear was cropped off; every letter in the alphabet was altered by means of straight bars or half-circles, figures, crosses, everything you could think of. 'Mr. Starlight is an edicated man, said father.

But times is changed, an' I want my childurn edicated in all the accompaniments." "How many children have you?" "Six livin'. We lost our fust two. Henry is goin' on seventeen, an' he jes' natch'ally teks to books knows more'n his pap now, I reckon.

I suppose by your saying that you were partly edicated, that your honour was intended for the clerical profession, but being over fond of the drop was forced to lave college before your edication was quite completed, and so for want of a better profession took up with that of merchandise. Ah, the love of the drop at college has prevented many a clever young fellow from taking holy orders.

"Weel," said Tam, "it's no' for me to check ye if ye won't be edicated." She stared at him, then burst into a ringing laugh. "My! the Scotch people are funny tell me about Scotland. Is it a wonderful country? Do you know about Bruce and Wallace and Rob Roy and all those people?" "Oh, aye," said Tam cautiously, "by what A' read in the paper it's a gay fine country."

There was a second grin at the ill-favoured Traveller's expense, amidst which he went his way. "An odd chap!" said Peter, looking after the sturdy form of the Traveller. "I wonder what he is; he seems well edicated makes use of good words." "What sinnifies?" said the Corporal, who felt a sort of fellow-feeling for his new acquaintance's brusquerie of manner; "what sinnifies what he is.

I looked at him an' saw that he really thought he was talkin' sense, so I sez: "You go talk to some one else. I'm too sleepy an' I'm too blame sore to bother with such nonsense." "It ain't nonsense," sez he. "I'm an edicated man, an' I been studyin' life ever since I been born.

We're the guys as is gettin' the raw end of this deal. It ain't the same with an' edicated guy like Andrews or Sergeant Coffin or them. They can suck around after 'Y' men, an' officers an' get on the inside track, an' all we can do is stand up an' salute an' say 'Yes, lootenant' an' 'No, lootenant' an' let 'em ride us all they goddam please. Ain't that gospel truth, corporal?"

Yes, Sir, the best talent in Essex County, an' had the farm given 'em, an' they've sunk a thousan' dollars, Sir, a'ready! That's what I call a Sinkin'-Fund, Sir! That's to begin with. Jones is an edicated farmer. He made his cider last fall on scinetific principles. Well, Sir, I could put an apple in my mouth, an' swim down Merrimac River, an' have better cider 'n that all the way!

"How's she comin', Skinny?" whispered Hoggenback, in his low mysterious voice. "Oh, we're all in the same boat," said Andrews with a laugh. "Wish it'd sink," muttered the other man. "D'ye know," he went on after a pause, "I kinder thought an edicated guy like you'd be able to keep out of a mess like this. I wasn't brought up without edication, but I guess I didn't have enough."